Alexandra G.


California State University, Chico,
B.A. in Musical Theatre
Minor in Marketing

Professional Childcare Experience

Date Night Babysitter
Manhattan, NY, 10/14 - Present
Twin girls, age 7

After-School Babysitter
Brooklyn, NY, 08/16 - Present
Three Boys, ages 6, 10, 13

Full-Time Nanny
Manhattan, NY, 08/14 - 07/16
Twin girls, age 3

Date-Night Babysitter
Chico, CA, 09/10 - 05/14
Girl age 2, Boy age 4

Date Night Babysitter
Chico, CA, 09/12 - 05/14
Boy, age 8 months

After-School Babysitter
Orange, CA, 09/08 - 08/10
Girl age 3, Boy age 7

Other Experience

Office Asisstant
Brooklyn, NY, 05/17 - Present

Personal Care Giver
Tustin, CA, 06/14 - 08/14

School of the Arts Crew Technician
Chico, CA, 09/11 - 05/14

Personal Care Giver
Tustin, CA, 06/13 - 08/13

Personal Care Giver
Tustin, CA, 06/12 - 08/12

About me

I've always had an affinity for children. Growing up in a Cuban - American household I was the oldest of 13 cousins and was consistently put to work keeping the little ones entertained at family parties. We would put on elaborate shows and have all the parents file in to watch. This is what I fell in love with; a child's propensity to create and share their wonder with the world. I aim to constantly foster this wonderment by encouraging children to engage with their surroundings. I believe it's important to inspire this behavior in all walks of life. I adore working with infants, whose untainted curiosity is such a joy to witness, as well as school age kids in their quest for all knowledge, and I mean ALL of it.

I began my childcare journey when I was 10 years old by discovering I excelled at keeping a room of toddlers entertained during parties. With age I quickly became my family's resident babysitter. Throughout high school and college my name trickled out to family friends and acquaintances and soon my free nights were filled with children's playtime, dinner, baths, and bed time stories. During this time I cared for infants, toddlers, and school age all the way through to preteens. Having worked in many different households I can quickly and effectively get the lay of the land, easily adapting to families specific needs and routines.

I have cared for infants as young as 3 months old and feel comfortable with all the applicable responsibilities necessary to providing a safe and nurturing environment. This entails bottle feeding, burping, bathing, changing diapers, establishing sleep schedules, soothing crying fits and keeping them happily engaged. On the other side of the age spectrum I've watched children as old as 13. Typically for the school ages I assist in after school duties. This consists of starting homework, tutoring when necessary, preparing snack/dinner, attending activities, and occasionally bed time routine for date nights.

Most recently, I worked full time for a family on the Upper West Side with 3 year old twin girls. I assumed full responsibility for school pick up, napping, cooking, and transportation to activities while also planning playdates, doctors appointments, and haircuts. I was an integral part of their potty training process and transition into school life. In my two years with them I developed a full understanding of the day to day ongoings of children in New York City.

I have professional child care experience with...

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    School-aged (K-5)
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In 5 years, I hope to be...

In 5 years I hope to be happily married and moving forward with my career as an actress. I will be well on my way to establishing myself as a force to be reckoned with in the Broadway community. It is my goal to be booking jobs that facilitate travel opportunities domestically and abroad. If I am not actively nannying anymore it will be because I'm planning for children of my own. The future looks bright.

Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...

I love to nurture children's creativity. A great way I like to do this is have them invent new games with set rules and directions. This challenges them to devise something with structure and helps them understand the relationship between following rules and having fun. Another activity I enjoy doing is reading to children. I strive to bring a fun energy and expressiveness to the stories I'm telling and it always reflects in the captivated faces of the ones I'm reading to. There can be important lessons to be learned from books and I never skip an opportunity to acknowledge them and bring the child in on the discussion.