Liz S.
Covenant College,
B.A. in Economics with a minor in History
Professional Childcare Experience
Full-time Nanny - UWS
New York, NY, , 10/15 - 01/19
Two boys, 2 (turned 3) and 5 (turned 6)
Full-Time Nanny - UES
New York, NY, , 02/16 - 06/16
Two girls, ages 2 and 5
Full-time, Live-in Nanny
Princeton, NJ, 06/15 - 08/15
Three boys and two girls, ages 4 (twins), 6, 8, 10
Date-night Babysitter
Chattanooga, TN, 08/13 - 05/15
Two boys, ages 2 and 5
Part-time Nanny
Indianapolis, IN, 06/14 - 08/14
Two boys, ages 2 and 6
Other Experience
Cookie Business Owner and Baker
Chattanooga, TN, 08/14 - 12/14
Children's Ministry Intern
The Woodlands, TX, 06/13 - 08/13
Nursery Volunteer
St. Louis, MO, 09/05 - 05/11
About me
I am a recent college graduate with multiple years of experience working with families and children. In college I worked as a children’s ministry intern for a church in Texas, where I wrote children’s curriculum and planned events for families. The next couple of summers I worked as a nanny for two families. The first had two boys, ages 3 and 6. My next family had five children, ages ranging from 4-10. Two of their boys were on the autism spectrum and needed special attention and sensitivity in dealing with behavioral slip ups.
I believe that children should be treated with grace when they make mistakes. Stories shape who we become and I enjoy telling children stories from my childhood and from books to make them laugh and teach them about the diversity of life. I was an art minor in college and love to teach children how to make different forms of art. New York offers so many opportunities for children to learn and experience new things and I would love to take advantage of the city's many resources to your child’s benefit.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
Special Needs
In 5 years, I hope to be...
Working in Arts Administration. I would love to be married eventually and have a family of my own, but it may be further down the road than five years.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
I love to go to art museums and libraries with children. I also love singing and crafting. I am a quick learner so I can easily find activities online and replicate them with children.