Afshaan R.
Skidmore College,
B.S. Studio Art (concentration: Drawing/Printmaking)B.S. Psychology (concentration: Child Development)
Columbia Teachers College,
Masters of Art and Art Education
Professional Childcare Experience
New York City, NY, 05/14 - 09/15
Boy, age 2
AfterCare Lead Teacher
New York City, NY, 08/10 - 06/14
Kids, ages 3 to 11
Occasional / Summer Babysitter
New York City, NY, 01/11 - 05/14
Boys, ages 8 and 12
Other Experience
AfterCare Lead Teacher
New York City, NY, 08/10 - 06/14
High School Art Teacher
New York City, NY, 08/10 - 06/14
Handwork Assistant
New York City, NY, 09/08 - 06/09
About me
When I was in early kindergarten, I ate glitter. Shook the container over my mouth and swallowed a mouthful. My teacher, horrified, came running over, snatched the precious glitter container out of my four-year-old hands and screamed “What are you doing!? This is poison! You can’t put this in your mouth!” Clearly, she didn’t know that once ingested, glitter, much like watermelon seeds, will grow in your tummy and then turn your skin into a sparkling mass, shimmering in the sunlight, twinkling in the moonlight. Basically, swallowing glitter would turn me into a star. I would shine forever.
Obviously my teacher was silly and didn’t deserve my quite logical explanation of why I ate the glitter. Instead, all she got was “Well, it’s really none of your business,” before her face turned red, her eyes widened with disbelief and she sent me off to the corner for a time out.
Fast forward to the present. I don’t eat glitter, but I certainly still dream big.
I view sitting as a lesson plan of sorts. Each experience is based on the last. I think that consistency in relationships is important for kids and I value being able to work with the same children as they grow.
For the past four years, in addition to teaching High School Art at the Rudolf Steiner School, I’ve been the lead teacher for the AfterCare program (which I started in 2009). My approach to aftercare has always been less about filling time and more about understanding the needs of the children (many of whom are regulars) and providing experiences that speak to their individual personalities while helping them develop creatively, emotionally and intellectually. I often take kids to museums, teach art, tell stories and help them problem solve in various situations.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
Special Needs
In 5 years, I hope to be...
A successful jewelry designer who has inspired children to work hard and dream big. Since working with children is such a huge part of my life, I hope to still interact with them on some level, whether it be sitting or teaching.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
Knitting, crocheting, embroidery, sewing, textile design, printmaking on fabric (silk screen, stamping, resist, silk painting), printmaking on paper (litho, wood block, lino cut, silk screen), drawing (all mediums), painting (all mediums), stone/wood carving, metal work, jewelry-making, bookbinding, basket-weaving, ceramics (hand-building), cooking, baking, making awesome mixed tapes, writing, reading, improv/acting and turning frowns upside down. I also consider manners and emotional intelligence teachable skills!