Zoe P.
Columbia Law School,
Professional Childcare Experience
Part-Time Babysitter
New York, NY, 04/15 - Present
Two girls; Ages 6 and 4
Part-time Nanny
New York, NY, 03/15 - Present
One girl, 6 months
Amherst, MA, 10/09 - 05/11
Twin Boys, Age 4
Part-time Nanny
Westminster, MD, 11/05 - 07/07
Two girls, One boy, ges 7, 5, and 2
Other Experience
Varsity Track Coach, The Dalton School
New York, NY, 01/12 - Present
Summer School Instructor, Legal Outreach
Long Island City, NY, 06/12 - 08/12
About me
Originally from Maryland, I moved to New York after I graduated from Amherst College. I have coached Varsity Track and Cross Country for four years at the Dalton School, and I love that job. When I am not coaching, I write fiction for young adults.
I have childcare experience with kids of all ages: from infants through teenagers. I have been babysitting, like many people, since I was a young teen, and have worked with families on both a regular and occasional basis. I love to spend childcare time doing arts or sports. I have eight years of studio training in drawing and painting, and I enjoy teaching that as much as I enjoy coaching track.
My coaching experience has a lot in common with childcare work, except that the responsibilities are multiplied by the number of athletes on the team. In the fall, that means I am responsible for about 30 athletes, and in the spring, that number rises to 65. I am responsible for coordinating practices, making sure we get a timely start, ensuring athlete safety (from making sure they warm up properly, to coming prepared with First Aid supplies and an AED), all while making sure that the group is both respectful and having a good time.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
In 5 years, I hope to be...
Coaching and writing fiction full-time.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
Running, hurdling, drawing and other visual arts.