Meagan D.
The New School,
B.A. in Literature
Professional Childcare Experience
Brooklyn, NY, 03/20 - Present
age 18 months
Brooklyn, NY, 08/23 - 09/23
age 4 months
Brooklyn, NY, 10/16 - 03/20
age 2 (twins)
Brooklyn, NY, 04/17 - 02/20
age 3 months
Brooklyn, NY, 08/15 - 07/16
age 1
Brooklyn, NY, 01/12 - 08/15
ages 2.5 and 3 months
Other Experience
New York, NY, 05/11 - Present
About me
One of the joys of childhood that I, still, remember fondly is when my mother would announce that a babysitter would be coming that evening. Sitters were rare, but their fresh attitudes and contagious positivity would brighten up any weekend evening. Their smiles were infectious, and I believe I learned to adapt to the guidance of other adults because of their attention to exploration, imagination, and just plain fun.
When I moved to New York City as a student in 2007, I took over a weekly childcare job for a friend who was leaving the city to travel abroad. The rest is history! Throughout the years, I have met families both via childcare apps and word-of-mouth recommendations. I always get such a feeling of pride when I am able to connect with a child and watch them hit developmental milestones, both physically and emotionally.
Because I have chosen the performing arts as my main career, I've found that working with children allows curiosity and creativity to flourish in another way. The energy I bring to each job opens up a world of wonder, from making art and playing games with older children to walking, talking, singing, and nurturing infants with attentive care. No day is boring when I'm around.
I am very active, and will always encourage the little ones to be the same - be it with their bodies or their minds.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
In 5 years, I hope to be...
Working full-time as a stand-in on either a network show, hopping around projects as a principal actor, or finishing the novel I've started.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
Reading is my all-time favorite! No age is ever too early for books. Coloring is also a soothing activity for children of any age; as long as you can hold a crayon, I'll be there coloring with you! Building with Legos, blocks, magnet tiles, or even making forts out of old Amazon boxes never gets old. Any way we can be creative, I support.