Rory W.
Detroit Country Day School,
High School
Rutgers University,
BFA Acting
Professional Childcare Experience
On demand nanny
NY, , 04/22 - Present
All ages
Travel Nanny to Maine
Maine, , 08/22 - 09/23
Age 11
Part time Nanny
NY, , 08/22 - 06/23
Ages 2 and 8
Full time nanny
Michigan, , 01/21 - 05/21
4-6 weeks old
Full time Online School Family Helper
Beverly Hills, Mi, 09/20 - 12/20
2nd and 3rd grader, boy and girl
Other Experience
Cafe barista
NY, , 09/23 - 02/24
About me
I was born in Chicago, raised in Michigan for 6 years and then my family moved to Shanghai, China for 7 years. I spent my elementary and middle school years at international schools in China. I have one older brother who is my best friend. He is two years older than me. I went to college at Mason Gross School of the Arts at Rutgers University in New Jersey. There I joined the conservatory program to obtain my BFA in Acting. I graduated almost 2 years ago and have been auditioning ever since. I am blessed to have joined a developing theater company where we are working to develop a new way of performance and storytelling.
Since I was in high school babysitting has always been my job of choice. I loved spending my summers working full time with kids and engaging in summer activities. I also worked at a daycare center for a summer. During covid I was home for a year and found a family looking for help taking care of their newborn baby. He was about 4-6 weeks when I began. I was 20 years old at the time, so this was a big responsibility and so much fun to learn. I followed a strict sleep, eat, wake routine which I would document down every day. We would do tummy time together and walk around the park. I then had to go back to college. Following graduation I decided to get back into Nannying. I worked as an on-demand nanny for various NYC families of all ages. I was then place with a family where I worked Mondays and Tuesday’s for the 2022 school year for a 2 and 7 year old. The older kid had cerebral palsy and ADHD so I did have to learn the best way for me to help and support this child. I have also been a travel nanny to Maine for the last 2 years and ongoing for a 11 year old.
My training as an actor is a wonderful stepping stone into childcare. I understand the importance of play and make-belief. My philosophy on childcare is understanding the best way I can support a family and their children. I understand the importance of a mutual respect and respect of boundaries on both sides. Spending time with children truly brings out my more youthful side, and is always rewarding.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
Special Needs
In 5 years, I hope to be...
A working actor!
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
Karaoke. Cooking. Making matcha (with the handheld device).