Emma T.
Belmont University,
B.S. in Creative and Entertainment Industries
Professional Childcare Experience
Summer Nanny
New York, NY, 06/24 - 09/24
Age 9
Part-Time Nanny
Pawtucket, Rhode Island, 05/23 - 05/24
Age 1
Part-Time Nanny
Nashville, TN, 09/22 - 05/23
Ages 3 months and 2
Full-Time Nanny
Nashville, TN, 01/22 - 09/22
Ages 3 and 6
About me
I grew up in Warwick, Rhode Island, and am the youngest of 3. As a child, I was heavily involved in the arts and could always be found singing or acting. My parents had me doing a little bit of everything so I also played softball, golf and was a competitive swimmer my entire childhood. My love of music took me to school at Belmont University in Nashville where I majored in Creative and Entertainment Industries and minored in Music! I babysat plenty before college and loved it, but my time in Nashville really brought me to my passion for childcare. After moving to NYC this spring, I was hired by a SmartFamily with one girl (age 9) as a temporary summer nanny. It’s been a wonderful experience, and after the summer is over I’m hoping to transition into helping out another family!
I grew up in a neighborhood with many young families, which was the perfect opportunity for me to kickstart my childcare career. At 12, I took a babysitting class and by high school, I had amassed a regular group of families that I was a date-night-sitter for. Fast forward to my sophomore year of college, I started with my first consistent Nanny role, which transitioned into a full-time position. Since then, I worked for two other families before my time in NYC. My work has ranged from ages 3 months to 9 years and I pride myself in being flexible with them all. I also have mastered the skill of navigating childcare with a work-from-home or stay-at-home parent present, something that all 4 of my long-term jobs have included.
My most important childcare philosophy is to highlight how each child is a complex individual no matter what age, therefore my approach to childcare needs to be exactly that: individual. I ultimately hope to be a positive role model to children and make sure they feel comfortable enough with me to try new things, be honest, and be themselves.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
In 5 years, I hope to be...
Still in the childcare industry in some capacity! Hopefully still in NYC.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
Music! In all it's forms. It is such a huge part of my life and was part of my education in college. I love to share that passion I have with the children I am caring for. Singing, dancing, playing an instrument, making up a song, I love it all. Reading is also a big passion of mine and I can always be found with a good book. I love to share my favorites when I was there age with kids. Also, I love a library trip!