Nisa H.
Hunter College,
Professional Childcare Experience
After-School Nanny
Brooklyn, NY, 02/22 - Present
Age 6 and Age 11
Part-Time Babysitter/Temporary Nanny
New York, NY, 08/16 - Present
Ages 3 months - 13 years
Temp Nanny
Manhattan, NY, , 01/24 - 08/24
Two boys, ages 6 months and 2.5 years
Temp After-School Nanny, Occasional Babysitter
Manhattan, NY, 10/23 - 12/23
Ages 10 and 12
Part-Time Temporary Nanny
Brooklyn, NY, 09/20 - 06/21
Age 9 months
After-School Teacher
Brooklyn, NY, 09/16 - 06/17
Ages 5-10
Other Experience
Office Assistant
Brookyn, NY, 07/17 - 09/23
Part-Time Catering Event Assistant
Brooklyn, NY, 08/12 - 08/23
Brooklyn, NY, 08/12 - 06/17
About me
I am a Brooklyn native who grew up in the vibrant neighborhood of Bedford-Stuyvesant as the youngest of 2. I have always enjoyed cooking, baking, and the performing arts since I was a child. Those interests led me to becoming a Nutrition major and Dance minor when I attended Hunter College. After college, I spent a lot of time volunteering at a few schools in Brooklyn as a Dance teacher, exam proctor, and field trip chaperone.
My experience with childcare began when I was in high school. During that time, my mom was laid off from her job, making her available to care for some of the babies in our neighborhood. As a result, there were always children in my home and I learned many valuable childcare skills. I then began to care for those children on my own and eventually started my professional childcare positions shortly thereafter. I signed up for the app-based childcare platform, Urbansitter, and went on to provide occasional, date night, or temporary full day care for over 75 families, with 270+ bookings, over 55 repeat families, earning 70+ 5-star reviews. I have cared for children from 3 months to 13 years old.
I was able to work with a family of two children (6 y/o girl, 11 y/o boy) for 2 years. My responsibilities included coming in early, packing their lunches, school dropoffs/pickups, homework and reading help, transporting them to/from various activities, cooking dinner and getting them ready for bed. I have also been a temporary nanny for a 9 month old girl. My responsibilities included changing diapers, preparing bottles and feeding solids, playing, and taking her out on walks and to the playground. For this particular little one, I also had to implement some strategies to help navigate her separation anxiety.
I am a loving, playful, engaging, creative thinker who brings these qualities to any position I hold. Some of my interests include singing, dancing, and art. I love to share those skills with the children in my care. My nanny philosophy is "Consistency is key." I always do my best to work with parents to create a safe, fun, and stable environment for their kids. Childcare is my passion and I hope to be a great fit for your family.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
In 5 years, I hope to be...
working with a long term family, doing my part to help their children grow into the best version of themselves.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
making slime and play dough, cooking, and improving reading skills.