Davia F.
High School Diploma,
Professional Childcare Experience
Temporary Nanny
Brooklyn, NY, 07/22 - 01/70
ages 2 and 4
Full-Time Nanny
Brooklyn, NY, 05/23 - 09/23
age 5 months
Part-Time Nanny/Babysitter
Brooklyn, NY, 2/19 - 09/21
age 4 months
Temporary Part-Time Nanny
Brooklyn, NY, 02/21 - 07/21
age 4 months
Other Experience
Brooklyn, NY, 09/21 - 08/22
About me
I've always been a nurturer, a people person, and a lot of fun!
As a child, my grandparents took me camping every summer all over North America and Canada. Having been born and raised in Manhattan it was wonderful to see new places, meet new people, and explore nature. I will always treasure what they added to my life in our travels!
I also loved reading and was fascinated by Andrew Lang's Rainbow Fairy books which I read diligently for years. I also enjoyed swimming, basketball, soccer, drawing, painting, working with clay, theater classes, and writing including poetry, and was very socially active.
I began babysitting on nights and weekends as a teen in my neighborhood in Tribeca and later worked at the Washington Market Montessori School in the afterschool program for children ages 2-5 for 2 years. I later ran the afterschool program at P.S. 234 for children ages 5-11 for 2 years and also did substitute work at the Trinity Church daycare and The Children's Aid Society.
I later moved to San Francisco for a few years and worked at The Learning Bridge Nursery School for children ages 2-5 full time as well as attending The San Francisco School of Massage specializing in Shiatsu and Swedish massage. During a trip to Europe, I met my daughter's father and got married shortly after. My daughter was born in Switzerland but after a year we moved back to N.Y. and have lived in Park Slope ever since. I eventually began being a part-time then full-time nanny as she got older and have been doing so ever since. It has been a lifelong passion to participate in the well-being and healthy development of children, creating a positive environment for them to thrive! I have a great deal of experience caring for children starting at 2 months old through tween and love my work!
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
Special Needs
In 5 years, I hope to be...
Happy and healthy!
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
I love reading many books with children, stimulating their imagination, helping them learn to read starting with sounds and repetition, and eventually learning to write starting with drawing and coloring. Magnet letters are a favorite! I do the same with numbers, shapes, and colors. I have been successful with potty training, winding children down for naps, and as they get older to clean up after themselves, wash their hands frequently, and be kind and considerate of others especially siblings, family, and friends instilling good manners as a regular habit.