Alexa F.
Chestnut Hill College,
B.A. in Psychology
Professional Childcare Experience
Part-Time Nanny
Bryn Mawr, PA, 05/17 - 07/21
ages newborn and 2
Full-Time Nanny
Newtown Square, PA, 11/20 - 06/21
ages 4, 2, and 6 months
Part-Time Babysitter
Wynnewood, PA, 08/15 - 10/19
ages 10 (twins) and 7
Part-Time Babysitter
Bala Cynywd, PA, 10/13 - 08/14
ages 5, 3, and 1
Other Experience
Regional Manager
New York, NY, 08/22 - Present
Special Education Associate
Brooklyn, NY, 06/21 - 03/22
School Adminstrator
Radnor, PA, 05/17 - 11/20
About me
I grew up outside of Philadelphia where I attended Friends' Central School. My mom was a single mom but I had a nanny my whole life who took care of myself and my older brother. My nanny Suchada is the reason why I started nannying. Her impact on my life was so profound that I wanted to try and do the same for another family. I graduated from Chestnut Hill College with a major in psychology and a minor in criminal justice. My dream has always been to get my master's in school counseling which I hope to accomplish in the next few years.
I have been working with children since I was thirteen. I was fortunate enough to have many families in the neighborhood with little kids. I did not get my first babysitting job outside of my neighborhood until I was 19. I have worked with all age ranges from a few days old to a 26-year-old with a disability. I have done overnight jobs, carpooling, reheating bottles (breast milk and formula) bedtime routine, and supervising at the pool and the the beach.
My first job out of college was at a school for gifted kids called The Grayson School. The first gifted school in Pennsylvania. There I taught P.E. and was a school administrator where I created behavioral plans for those who needed them.
I have played sports my whole life. I love being outside and running and have done over twenty half marathons and two full marathons. One of my favorite activities to do with kids is to take them outside. Whether I take them to the park or teach them how to play a sport I think it is extremely important to play outside with kids every day.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
Special Needs
In 5 years, I hope to be...
A school counselor or child psychologist.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
Any type of sport. Working on independence no matter what age they are. Manners are really important to me as well.