Valery G.
University Antonio Nariño,
B.A. in Psychologist
Professional Childcare Experience
Part-Time Babysitter
New York, NY, 11/22 - Present
ages 3 and 9
New York, NY, 11/22 - Present
ages 15 months and 3
Part-Time Babysitter
New York, NY, 11/22 - 04/23
age 8
Au Pair
Florham Park, NJ, 09/21 - 09/22
ages 3, 7, and 10
Bogota, COL, 08/18 - 05/19
14 children, ages 4 - 16
Other Experience
N/A, N/A, 09/23 - 09/23
About me
I grew up in Bogotá, Colombia as the youngest daughter. I was fascinated by sports like cycling and skateboarding. I received my bachelor’s degree in psychology at the Antonio Nariño University of Bogota. I worked at a foundation for children with learning disabilities in Bogota.
My sister and I grew up together close to my mom's family, so we helped raise our cousins. I decided to come to the United States as an Au Pair. One time in the United States I oversaw 3 beautiful children (3-, 7- and 10-year-olds). I assisted with daily care, dressed them, made breakfast, drove kids to and from school, did light housecleaning, did laundry, helped with homework after school, made dinner for them, cleaned up after meals, bathing, bedtime, and sometimes helped with pets and groceries. I supported activities like crafts, singing, dancing, visiting museums, and traveling. I have also worked on weekends, date nights, and on-call for a family with a 3-year-old boy and a 9-year-old girl. I traveled with this family for 2 weeks to The Hamptons working full time. I also worked taking an 8-year-old child to school every morning, as well as preparing breakfast and dressing him. I have been taking care of two boys (I started when one was 14 months old and the other was 2 years old) and household responsibilities such as cooking, laundry, cleaning after meals, tidying up play areas, and sensory play classes once or twice a week. I also take them to visit museums and playgrounds, have picnics, read books, paint, and do crafts, and I also encourage them to speak Spanish. I also help with the care of the dog such as feeding and taking him for walks twice a day.
I love being around kids and my greatest happiness is to speak to them with love, understanding, intelligence, and good values to help them feel safe when exploring, learning, and encountering new scenarios, trusting themselves, and feeling accompanied by people who listen to and appreciate them. I like to learn from children and understand their points of view. I like to let them take the lead in their games so that their creativity can go beyond what we adults have at first glance, I like to be a child with them again.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
In 5 years, I hope to be...
In 5 years I hope to be a project management professional to run my own company.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
I like doing activities like painting and drawing as it allows children to explore their imagination and also helps with the development of their motor skills. I like to teach them new songs as it allows them to learn new words and movements that help them with coordination. I enjoy doing activities like puzzles and play dough as it helps them with attention. I like to do activities outside the house like visiting zoos, museums, amusement and water parks.