Emma A.
High School,
High School Diploma
Dallas College,
Core Classes
Professional Childcare Experience
Full-Time Nanny
Dallas, TX, 01/22 - 07/23
Age 2
Full-Time Nanny
Denton, TX, 08/20 - 07/21
Age 3 months
Live-In Nanny
Plano, Texas, 01/18 - 08/18
Age 18 months and 3
Other Experience
Barista/Shift Lead
Dallas, TX, 08/21 - 12/21
Cashier/Receiver at a bookstore
Dallas, TX, 09/19 - 08/20
Summer Program Intern (Taught Middle Schoolers)
Dallas, TX, 06/19 - 08/19
About me
I was born and raised in Peoria, IL until I was almost eight. From there, my family moved to Dallas, TX while my dad attended grad school. I've lived in the DFW area ever since, but am excited about starting a life in New York! I was the middle child of three girls close in age, so my childhood was characterized by lots of hiking, playing pretend, and filming fake commercials and cooking shows in our apartment. I went to a community college here in Dallas to get my core classes out of the way (cheers to trying to be as debt free as possible!), but am now putting my education on pause while I decide my major/if I want to finish a degree.
I lived in student housing while my dad went to grad school, and got my start with childcare there. I was the resident babysitter! During that time, I watched over 60 kids. Since then, I've gained over 12 years experience! I've done as little as stop in to watch the kids while mom goes grocery shopping, and as much as work as a live-in nanny. I've worked with newborns-middle schoolers, but my most recent experience is as a full-time nanny for kids from 2 months-4 years. Most recently, I watched a little girl with special needs full-time (35-50hrs/week as needed). When I started, she had just turned 2, and she was over 3.5 when the position ended. My responsibilities included taking her to and from therapies, practicing exercises at home, working with specialized equipment, planning developmentally appropriate activities and outings, taking care of her needs throughout the day (meal prep, feeding, diapers, potty, bath time, nap time, etc.), light housekeeping, and laundry. Before that, I nannied a little girl full-time from when she was 3-14 months. I'd prep bottles, introduce solids (baby-led weaning), change diapers, plan activities, tidy throughout the day, and do laundry. I've also been CPR certified in the past, and will get certified again.
Working with kids has always been a passion of mine, and I hope it's always a part of my life. I believe in making kids feel seen and loved for who they are. I think it's so important to be a rock, a guide, and a friend for these little ones as they learn how to navigate a big world.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
Special Needs
In 5 years, I hope to be...
This is a tricky prompt, because I'm at a place where I'm not absolutely certain where I see myself in 5 years. Overall, I know for sure that I want to be fulfilled and passionate about my work, doing something that helps people, and ideally working with kids!
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
As a nanny, I love to foster whatever interests and passions kids have at the time. I love to plan nature walks, go to the museum/zoo/aquarium, bake muffins, make play-dough from scratch, spend lots of time engaging with art and music, and plan age appropriate crafts and activities.