Jude W.
Webster University,
BFA in ActingMinor in Business
Professional Childcare Experience
Queens, NY, , 11/23 - 11/24
1 baby, age 4months - 16months
After-School Nanny
Brooklyn, NY, , 09/23 - 05/24
8 years and 10 years
Middle School Teacher
Brooklyn, , 11/21 - 08/23
After-School Babysitter/Tutor
Brooklyn, NY, 07/22 - 07/23
age 12
In-School Child Care
Brooklyn, NY, 01/23 - 07/23
various ages from 10-17
Preschool Teacher
Brooklyn, NY, 01/21 - 04/21
various classes (up to 15 kids) ages 2-5
Part-Time Babysitter
Dallas, TX, 05/16 - 07/18
age 1
Part-Time Babysitter
Dallas, TX, 06/16 - 07/18
ages 2 and 5
About me
As the oldest of five kids, I was a born caregiver. Aiding my single mother in raising all of my siblings proved to be an inspiring adventure that directed the rest of my life! I was born near Philly but spent the majority of my childhood outside of Dallas, TX. As a kid, I learned a lot about caregiving from my mom, who is a Childbirth Educator, and Doula. Following my passion for creative writing, performing, and creating, I graduated with my BFA from Webster Conservatory in St. Louis. Because of my expansive creative knowledge, I bring exciting games, activities, projects, and stories to every family I work with. For the majority of my time living in Brooklyn, (almost 4 years now) I have been working as a professional teacher and caregiver!
Yet my professional experience far exceeds this, as I have been working intermittently as a paid caregiver for the past 10 years. During my time, I have worked with kids as young as 4 months old to 17 years of age. Recently, I've had the joy of working with an infant from 4 months old to 19 months, and I've really enjoyed this experience. I've built not only on my previous childcare experience, but also from the knowledge of my mother, a passionate Doula, who has taught me about early developmental stages of infants and everything that I can do to help them thrive. With older children, different titles I've had would include part-time babysitter, after-school specialist, teacher, tutor, camp counselor, and even mentor for older kids. I have extensive experience with (and specifically love working with) kids with ADHD, ASD, Anxiety, or any learning differences. I am a believer that the unique qualities each child has can be their superpower, and I celebrate that with them.
My philosophy is strongly rooted in curiosity over judgment. Instead of reacting to *what* a child does, I am quick to ask *why* they did what they did, and work alongside them to understand their own feelings. I am a born peacemaker and excellent at mediating sibling conflict, de-escalating high-emotional situations, and helping children regulate themselves to feel grounded. I believe that children have much to teach us, and it is my desire to encourage, inspire, and equip them with the tools to live full and joyful lives.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
Special Needs
In 5 years, I hope to be...
...the proud owner of a personal home library! The shelves will be floor-to-ceiling full of color-coded books. The room will be full of flourishing plant friends and full of vibrant life. I would gladly share with friends and neighbors, just like a real library would!
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
How to tell epic adventure stories, how to find seashells (and other beautiful treasures in nature), how to read, how to overcome anxiety, how to be a good community member, how to stand up for yourself, how to articulate your emotions when language is a new skill. Other activities I love to share: crafting, swimming, writing, visiting museums, nature walks, dancing, and singing.