Vanessa P.
Urban Assembly New York Harbor School,
Professional Childcare Experience
After School Babysitter
harlem, NY, 02/23 - Present
Age 6
Assistant Teacher
Long Island City, NY, 01/18 - 03/20
20 children Grades 2-6
after school Babysitter
long Island City, NY, 09/18 - 03/20
Age 9
Activity Specialist
Long Island City, NY, 02/16 - 08/17
20 children Grades 2-5
Group Leader
Astoria, NY, 07/15 - 02/16
25 Children grades 3-5th
Child Care Aide
Astoria, NY, 07/14 - 08/14
15 Children Ages 3-5
Other Experience
Security Guard
Astoria, Ny, 04/22 - 03/23
About me
Heyyyyy so as you can see my name is Vanessa but you can call me Shianne.Im the oldest sibling on both sides of the family except my older stepbrother of course. I have 6 younger sisters in total and three younger brothers. Trust me when I say I know how to multitask and be quick on my feet. I was born and raised in NYC specifically the borough where they "get the money" (QUEENS). I started out by the beach in Far Rockaway. Then from about five years old to 15 years old I lived in Brooklyn and for some reason I was really into photography . After Brooklyn back to queens, Astoria to be exact. That's where I got my first summer job.
I began working my first job when I was 16 at a daycare center. Where I assisted the teacher in the classroom.I helped set up play areas, changed diapers, assisted in potty training etc. I graduated high school in 2013 and did a year of college at Roger Williams University. In my very early 20's I started to work in after schools and summer camps. I worked with first grade through 8th. I was activity specialist, I created lesson plans, and different activities to help keep the kids entertained , challenged and wanting more! Also I began to babysit/nannying , where I picked up from after school, homework help, and made dinner before the guardians came home.
I believe children will always keep you on your toes. They'll make sure your imagination never leaves. My job is to help them develop and navigate through this big world in the little time we have together.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
Special Needs
In 5 years, I hope to be...
a more develop entrepreneur and closer to financial freedom
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
I love to teach kids new ways of learning. I love to teach them how to express their emotions in different ways from words, pictures, or even a hug.