Elisabeth P.
Tottenville Highschool,
NYC College of Technology,
Professional Childcare Experience
After School Sitter, Family Asst, Dental Asst
Staten Island, NY, , 05/05 - Present
Age 8 and Age 5
Full Time Live Out Nanny
Staten Island, NY, , 09/01 - 01/05
Ages 12 weeks and not born yet
Full Time Live in Nanny
NYC, , 01/97 - 01/99
Age 2 and not born yet
Other Experience
Dental Assistant, pediatric dentistry
Staten Island, NY, , 01/88 - 01/91
About me
I was born in Brooklyn and raised in Staten Island, NY. In my opinion being raised in the tristate area was having the best of both worlds, nature and culture at it’s best. I’m and only child and found that our animals were my best friends. I believe that helping and watching my parents care for them taught me to be nurturing and kind. I attended a dental assisting program in High School and then attended New York City College of Technology.
I have been a sitter and caregiver on date nights and after school since I was about 13. At 16 I was employed at a pediatric dentist office and then moved to a general dentist all while learning to keep to a complex schedule, that has been helpful in my adult years. Isn’t everyone a little childlike and has fear at the dentist? I was taught compassion, empathy and tender loving care while assisting. The patients in your care are depending on you for it and maybe some hand holding too. When I became a full time live in Nanny, I was elated to care for one girl, age 2 and her brother who was born thereafter. Cooking breakfast, lunch, laundry, transportation to classes, playtime enrichment, light housekeeping, changing diapers, keeping infant close in the baby sling (colic) were just some of my duties. My next position was full time live out Nanny for two girls ages, 12 weeks and then later, her newborn sister. Light housekeeping, bottle sterilization, diaper changing, potty training, transportation to preschool were some of my duties and milestones that I helped to guide them through. My next position I wore many different hats. I was a Sitter, Family Assistant and, Dental Assistant. There were two children, one boy, age 5 and one girl, age 8. I picked them up from the bus stop and helped with homework, cooked dinner, family laundry and set up bed time rituals. The expectations as the assistant were organizing and ordering supplies, cooking for multiple parties, event planning, liaison, transportation for my employer. My Dental Assistant duties were infection control, time management, chair side procedures, managing inventory, ordering supplies, patient instructions and TLC.
Im seeking everyday adventures to find a child’s interest and build on them, I’m sure another will shine through in the process. I’ve learned a lot by delving into subjects that are important to them, and I’m thankful. Listening, communicating, and being aware of their body language and deciphering their passions is instrumental to their future.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
In 5 years, I hope to be...
With my family, friends enjoying life, and having job stability with a like minded family.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
My favorite activities are arts and crafts such as painting, ceramics, tie dye, embroidery, sewing etc. The internet is filled with new ideas everyday. Let’s go on a nature trail and identify an oak tree and see if we can communicate with a screech owl. Let’s build a tent and if it’s raining we can build one indoors and have lunch under cover. Learning how to cook and eating a balanced meal is a life skill that we should have and YES there will be cake! Any type of water sport in the summer and I’m in, I love to snorkel! We can sing our ABCs and 123s In the style of jazz, opera or hip hop. Free and expressive dancing is a big part of my life since childhood. It promotes confidence and being in touch with your emotions.