Ana C.
High School Diploma,
Professional Childcare Experience
Full-Time Babysitter
Mount Vernon, NY, 09/20 - 02/23
17 months and 15 days old
Full-Time Babysitter
Hamptons, NY, 06/22 - 07/22
7 month old
Part-Time Babysitter
Bronxville, NY, 04/18 - 01/20
ages 2 and 3 months
Other Experience
Cleaning Homes
New York, NY, 02/20 - 09/23
About me
I grew up in São Paulo, Brazil, as a middle child. I fell in love with baking and cooking, so I went to the big city to start learning more about it, I have an aunt who has a bakery, so I told her that I would really like to learn how to make sweets, I went to school for about a year, and I learned how to make cakes and desserts. As a middle child of three children, I was brought up by my older sibling and helped raise my younger brother, mainly because my mother moved to the US when I was only 5 years old, so I felt like I needed to help my grandmother raise him.
I’ve been working with kids for the last 6 years, my first job was for a family of three, they were 4, 7, and 9. Duties included picking the kids up from school, providing a snack, homework help, meal prepping, driving them to activities, and putting them down for bed. After this job, I started working for a family of two, the boy was 2 years old and the girl was 3 months old, this job included picking him up from school, providing a snack, providing entertainment, helping him nap, changing diapers, making bottles, and take him for walks, I even traveled with this family for seven days to Miami and was on call 24/7 for any help the family needed while on the trip. I also babysat for a family with two girls, when I started one girl was 6 months old and when the other girl was born I started taking care of her when she was only 15 days old, I used to drive them to the library, music class, and doctors appointments, I would change diapers, warm breast milk bottles, take the stroller to the park, make lunches when she started eating solids, I also used to teach Portuguese to the little girl.
Every child is different, and part of what I love about my job is that get to help each one discover his own strengths and talents and nurture those traits through my educational approach
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
In 5 years, I hope to be...
opening my own business.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
I love to teach them another language and I love to teach them how love can change anything.