Hannah P.
Sacred Heart University,
Health SciencePublic Health
Professional Childcare Experience
Part-Time Nanny
New York, NY, 06/21 - 08/21
18 months
Trumbull, CT, 04/19 - 03/20
ages 2 and 3 months
Part-Time Babysitter
New London, NH, 05/18 - 08/18
22 months
Other Experience
New York, NY, 10/22 - Present
New York, NY, 08/21 - 06/22
Teaching Assistant
New London, NH, 09/20 - 06/21
About me
I grew up the oldest of three (sister and brother two and six years younger respectively), in rural New Hampshire. I loved to ride horses, ski, and play with American Girl dolls, as well as being a voracious reader. I later graduated from Sacred Heart University in May 2020 with a Bachelor of Science in Health Science. At school, I was very involved in my sorority and in assisting professors with research, and am a graduate of the Honors Program. I moved to NYC in the summer of 2021 and since then have been navigating my early adulthood in a new city, with the pandemic adding an additional layer of uncertainty. In that state, however, my love and joy in caring for children remained consistent. When I was a young child, my parents said that when asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, I always said "a mom".
I was always a "mother's helper" personality in my family dynamic and began caring for children outside my family under supervision at age 12. In high school, I babysat for family friends, and other connections, and continued this through college and to this day. Much of my time doing so was over summer breaks and for occasional occurrences, but I also have had full-time nannying experiences in the shorter-term variety. After graduating college, I began to work at an elementary school where I was primarily involved with grades K-2. In New York, I have worked at a preschool as a co-teacher and currently work as a middle school teacher. I have all of the NY state's school-based certifications required for my work, as well as CPR/First Aid training.
I am passionate about implementing the most effective and supportive "nurture" methodologies that exist in both childcare and education. I care deeply about the emotional well-being of children and want to appropriately prepare children for adolescence and adulthood so that they have confidence, adaptability, and compassion. I believe that as adults, it is essential to remember that every emotion a child feels is as valid and impactful as our own. I treat children with respect and conscientiousness and do not take the responsibility of my role in childcare lightly.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
In 5 years, I hope to be...
Finishing my graduate studies in social work and becoming a school social worker.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
Cooking and baking, cleaning (in fun ways), outdoor play, and age-appropriate yoga/breathing.