Sabrina M.
New York City College of Technology,
B.A in Business Administration
Professional Childcare Experience
Part-Time Babysitter
Queens, NY, 01/21 - 03/23
1 Boy, Age 2 Years Old - 4 Years Old
Part-Time Babysitter
Queens, NY, 11/20 - 12/22
1 Boy, Age 6 Years Old to 8 Year Old
Part-Time Babysitter
Queens, NY, 01/15 - 01/20
1 boy, Ange 9 years old to 14 years old
Other Experience
New York, NY, 01/21 - 03/23
About me
Hi! I’m Sabrina. Born and raised in NYC, I went to City Tech (where I received a BA) and I speak four languages (English, Bengali, Urdu, and Hindi). I have been a nanny since high school because I genuinely enjoy spending time with children and creating that beautiful bond with them. I don’t just like what I do, I LOVE what I do. Being a nanny is the only job for me because every day is different. Modeling clay? Watercolors? Baking up a storm? Bring it! While we do have routines, I love the flexibility to be able to go out on a new adventure every day. I don’t have to sit in a cubicle; I get to chase after kiddos, stay fit and active, and have fun! And let’s face it, kids are way more fun than adults.
My first experience was an After School position with a 9 year old boy, lasting for 5 years. There, I provided homework help, meal prep and fun time, and had the honor of watching him grow into a teenager. This experience was special for both of us, and we are still connected to this day! He knows he can always depend on me for guidance and support. My next child care position included similar After School responsibilities, caring for a sweet 5 year old boy for two years. With this family, I also accompanied them on family trips, caring for the child during the vacation. My most recent position was with a toddler. There, I loved being a part of his early development, working hard with him on his early education, and ensuring that he met all of his toddler milestones. I additionally have experience working with children on the Autism Spectrum.
To put it plainly: I think being a nanny is the best job in the world. No matter how many tantrums, dirty diapers, last-minute school projects, and chaotic days I may have, I know at the end of the day I’ll have made a difference in the life of a child. The children in my care know they can count on me to laugh at their jokes, to wipe every tear and to just be silly with them. I love each and every opportunity to build close-knit relationships with families and memories that last a lifetime.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
In 5 years, I hope to be...
amazing at what I do.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
English and Math.