Michelle M.
Professional Childcare Experience
Full Time Nanny
Queens, NY, 07/23 - Present
Two boys, 4 months and newborn
Brooklyn, New York, 04/20 - 10/23
Age 2 months
Bronx, New York, 06/18 - 02/23
Age 3 months
Upstate, New York, 12/21 - 02/23
Age 2 months
About me
Hi, I am Michelle! I was born and raised in NYC.
Since the earliest age possible, I leaned into childcare. While I’m an only child, I come from a large, loving extended family, and grew up constantly surrounded by the children of my aunts and cousins. Even now, for any event I go to with my family, if there is a baby or toddler at some point the child is usually running around with me. My family has this saying "if Michelle doesn't have a baby in her arms by the end of the night, she didn't have fun". I started as a part time babysitter in my teen years during high school and have been a full-time nanny for 5 years. My biggest assets as a nanny are that I’m incredibly reliable, upbeat, energetic, and I manage my time well.
In my last 3 jobs, I have been a full-time nanny and I have loved every second of it. My expertise is with infants, and guiding them into their toddler years.
I have started when the babies are usually 2 to 3 months old, but my knowledge and experience grew significantly with my last baby. His parents introduced me to baby sign language and once he got the hang of it it’s all we would use some days. We would also go to swim class which was a new experience for me, and during my time there he became an expert! It’s very rewarding to see them grow up using the knowledge and help you have given them since they first arrived here.
I believe all children deserve to have a nanny at some point in their lives. I think it’s important for children to have support systems aside from their parents. This work experience really taught me that being a caretaker can mean so much to children, and that you can not only support their needs, but the parents as well, becoming a unique addition to the family.
Through my experience, I’ve gained great tactics for helping babies become the best toddlers they can be. I introduce coloring activities as soon as the baby is old enough to hold objects, to build fine motor skills and build hand strength. I love surrounding the children in my care to music (my favorite being classical, as I play the violin) as a tool to express themselves, even at a very young age. I’m a big proponent of independent play as early as 6 months old, in order to encourage imagination, persistence, and problem solving. When babies become toddlers, and we move into the tantrum stages, I allow the children in my care to figure out their big feelings, and allow space to navigate what they’re feeling without excessive hovering.
All my work has been with children, for the children, but sometimes I also like to focus on the parents and provide them support and just a kind word when it's needed. Especially for mom, I have worked with moms through “the fourth trimester” as they call it, and I learned very quickly that if mom is not okay, baby is not okay. I like to promote optimism wherever I go, and I always try my best to bring a little light to any situation!
I have professional child care experience with...
In 5 years, I hope to be...
A lead preschool teacher, once I complete my bachelors degree
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
I am bilingual, I am also CPR/AED, first aid certified and fully vaccinated against covid. I am currently enrolled in City College pursuing my bachelors in early childhood education. I have many strategies for developing fine motor skills, and reaching other developmental milestones. I'd love to chat with you about them more!