Jade B.
Clark Atlanta University,
B.A in Mass Communications
Professional Childcare Experience
Fulltime Nanny
Memphis, TN, 04/19 - 07/20
4 months
Nanny | After School and Summer Care
Atlanta, GA, 02/17 - 09/18
Age 4 and 6
On-call Babysitter
Memphis, TN, 01/18 - 06/18
Age 6 months, 2, and 3
Other Experience
Exec.Operations Assistant| Nannies and Kids United
Atlanta, GA (remote, PRN), NY, 10/17 - 03/23
Operations Specialist| Care.com - Care@Work
Austin, TX (remote), NY, 01/21 - 11/22
About me
Hey hey, Jade here... I am originally from Memphis, TN. I attended college in Atlanta, GA where I obtained my Bachelor of Arts degree in mass communications. I am a creative person who expresses storytelling through acting, writing, film, and mixed media art. While in college, I babysat and transitioned into a nannying post-grad. Once I started nannying, I knew I wanted to have a strong hand in the formative years of a child’s life.
I once read that each interaction with a child is an opportunity. "A conflict is an opportunity to teach negotiation and listening. An injury to another child is an opportunity to practice empathy. Mealtimes are an opportunity for conversation and manners. Strengths are to be built upon; weaknesses are to be learned from and grown beyond." This is a practice of mine that supports my personal philosophy.
My childcare philosophy is grounded in giving children the tools they need to create personal happiness and success in this world while preserving their natural instincts and idiosyncrasies; my hope is that each child sees the value in their uniqueness as they grow into productive members of society. Love is my anchor as I ensure safety, develop discipline, and exercise mutual respect with my littles. I also strive to create an easy transition from work mode to parent mode when mothers and fathers arrive home.
I am experienced in caring for 1-4 children at a time, ages 12 weeks-13 years old. I have worked patiently with children on the autism spectrum: accommodating their unique developmental needs and creating structure in their schedules and environment. I have administered prescription medications, prepared meals from scratch, bathed children, and engaged in numerous indoor and outdoor activities for families. My duties have been exercised for work-at-home parents, overnight visits, and traditional day time and date night hours. Singing, dancing, assisting with homework, obstacle courses, home-made dance party music videos (with parents’ permission to photograph/record children), arts and crafts, I have done it all!
I thoroughly enjoy the high-energy that children have and find myself learning so much while teaching and entertaining them. As an artist, being able to observe the pure and honest actions that children effortlessly engage in is very magical and refreshing.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
In 5 years, I hope to be...
engaging in community outreach programs that will allow me to provide support to children through art! Ideally, I would like to create a network of licensed clinical professionals willing to collaborate with artist and children on work that helps them heal from any traumatic experiences and prepare them for the future. Art therapy is a profession I am inspired by.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
imaginative play, painting, building things, reading books, and engaging in age-appropriate conversations that challenge and enhance their critical thinking skills.