Dominique D.
Barry University,
Bachelors Of Arts in Early Childhood Education
Associates Degree In Early Childhood Education
Professional Childcare Experience
On-Call Babysitter
Brooklyn, NY, 07/22 - Present
Age 13 Months
On-Call Babysitter
Brooklyn, NY, 04/21 - Present
Ages 4 Months - 2.5
After day care and weekend Babysitter
Tribecca, Ny, , 04/22 - Present
Two girls ages 4.5 and 7months
After-School and Weekend Babysitter
Brooklyn, NY, 12/21 - 11/22
Ages 2 and 3
Over-Night Baby Sitter
Brooklyn, NY, 09/20 - 03/21
Age 6 Months
Manhattan, NY, 05/19 - 10/20
Age 8 Months
New York, NY, 02/19 - 04/20
All Ages
Other Experience
Toddler Teacher
Brooklyn, NY, 10/19 - Present
On Call Nanny
New York, NY, 01/18 - Present
After School Teacher
Brooklyn, NY, 02/19 - 01/20
Summer Camp Counselor
Brooklyn, NY, 06/19 - 09/19
Volunteer At Local Elementary School
Miami, FL, 10/18 - 12/18
Volunteer At Local Elementary School
Brooklyn, NY, 10/17 - 06/18
Volunteer At Brooklyn Children's Museum
Brooklyn, NY, 06/13 - 09/13
About me
Growing up in the big city of Brooklyn, New York I loved being on stage and in the spotlight, really anything creative and expressive. I would enter as many free programs as possible, for art, dance, acting, and even fashion design. When I first started my college adventure I had to think long and hard about the many things I loved and would love to do in my future. I began studying Early Childhood Education and Art In Education at Laguardia Community College where I obtained my associate's degree. I then decided to make a big move and pursue my bachelor's degree in Childhood Education at Barry University in Miami, Florida. During my college career, I was fortunate enough to explore the world of education and childcare in a variety of aspects, to realize this is what I feel passionate about and love doing.
My very first professional experience working in childcare was in the summer of 2013, 15 years old, volunteering at Brooklyn Children's Museum to assist teachers during their summer program. From there I have geared my life around children ever since. For most of my high school and early college years, my primary focus was pre-k and kindergarten, I then began to explore older school age groups such as k-5 by becoming an after-school and summer camp counselor for YMCA at local public schools. Which then led me to where I am as the head infant and toddler teacher for Bright Horizons for over 5 years now. During summers, breaks, and any free time I had, I babysat and nannied for many wonderful families, specializing in infant and toddler care. During these times some of my many responsibilities consisted of , bottle/meal prep, overnight care, naps, fun in the park, providing developmentally stimulating activities, and much more.
Three words I can use to describe my values in child care are growth, compassion, and patience, these three words hold value, in every environment, every home, and every aspect of my childcare profession that I have obtained.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
Special Needs
In 5 years, I hope to be...
In 5 years I hope to be an advocate in law for children with special needs and learning disabilities.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
I love teaching children the various and many ways to express themselves in healthy ways whether through words, art or even writing. I love experiencing and exploring the world it entails with one another, connecting on personal one on one experiences and being active outdoors.