Destinee A.
High School (Some college classes in high school),
Professional Childcare Experience
Part-Time Babysitter
Evanston, IL, 11/22 - Present
age 1
Occasional Babysitter
Evanston, IL, 11/18 - Present
ages 7 and 5
Occasional Babysitter
Evanston, IL, 02/19 - Present
ages 5 and 5 months
Evanston, IL, 08/22 - 10/22
ages 3 and 8 months (twins)
Part-Time Nanny
Winnetka, IL, 01/22 - 06/22
ages 8 and 11
After-School Babysitter
Evanston, IL, 09/21 - 12/21
age 6
Full-Time Nanny
Evanston, IL, 06/20 - 06/21
ages 2 & 4
Teacher Assistant
Evanston, IL, 06/17 - 07/20
ages 2-3
After-School Teacher
Evanston, IL, 09/16 - 03/18
3rd and 4th grade
Summer Camp Counselor (2015-2017 summer)
Evanston, IL, 06/15 - 08/17
20 children ages K-2nd grade
Other Experience
NU Concession Stand
Evanston, IL, 09/15 - 11/15
About me
I grew up in the north suburbs of Chicago. I come from a big family. I am one of 8 children. I’m a middle child. I grew up in my grandmother’s home daycare. That’s what inspired me to work with children. I always wanted to be hands-on even as a young child. I was a very active child. I was an athlete, a girl scout. I love the outdoors. Rain or shine/hot or cold. Loved playing “House”. Because I grew up in the daycare setting I knew at a very young age that working with children was going to be my passion. I became the family babysitter when I was about 9 or 10. Once I got to high school I started taking child development classes and helping in the school daycare. Once I was legally allowed to work I worked at a summer camp. Went back each summer. Then I moved to the after-school program and slowly transitioned into easy childhood. After high school, I became an assistant teacher at the daycare full-time. While there I started working with/for a lot of families at the center for babysitting and tutoring. I was working with over 15 families. Once COVID hit I knew I was ready for a change, but still wanted to work with children. One night got a phone call from a previous family and they offered me a full-time nannying position. It showed me a different aspect of teaching but in a smaller setting and much more impactful. I got to be more creative. Teaching the oldest how to read, and learn math. Teaching the youngest to talk, how to count learn their letters as well as able to identify them etc. got them both really into art the oldest now considers himself a “real artist now” he went from painting canvases black to actually creating landscapes. Doing daily lesson plans. Outdoor play, indoor play. my number one goal when it comes to working with children is the passion I have to watch them grow and know I helped shape them. I've been working with children professionally for over 8 years. it brings me joy and peace, it's something I've always loved.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
In 5 years, I hope to be...
to still be nannying. I see how much I've grown since transitioning. I could see myself doing this through my 20s. I do hope on top of nannying that I will own a studio so I can teach art classes to children.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
my favorite thing is definitely teaching kids art and getting them in touch with their creative side. I also love dancing, yoga, and exercising with children. I do like to take a step back and observe/study a child/ren and see what they're into, then help them become better towards that skill or activity