Andrea C.
Professional Childcare Experience
Nanny, cook
New York, NY, 05/09 - Present
ages 6 months, 1, and not yet born
New York, NY, 11/08 - 08/13
9 months and newborn
New York, NY, 11/01 - 11/08
ages 6, 12, and 15
About me
An island girl at heart, my journey began on the idyllic island of Trinidad located in the Caribbean.
Spending just about 17 years there before migrating to the US, as a child with 7 siblings, at an early age I uncovered an innate passion and love for caregiving.
Being a daughter of a single parent gave me the opportunity to develop some of the core qualities that have been pivotal to my profession.
Tasked with the responsibility of caring for my siblings and with a desire to develop myself as a caregiver I jumped at every opportunity to expand my knowledge and experience, by taking on some after-school care babysitting positions for persons within my neighborhood.
It was through these experiences that I uncovered my unique ability and gift in caring for young children and at that moment decided to peruse it as my career.
When the opportunity arose a few years after migrating, I was committed to furthering my knowledge and experience in this field, by taking on one of my first jobs as a nanny to a family of five – three kids (two teens and a six-year-old). I worked in this position for eight years and transitioned to another because the children grew into young adults and as such my services were no longer required.
On recommendation, I started my second job, performing a similar job scope for a period of 6 years until the family moved to another state. I was then led to my most recent position of a family of five. I started this position when the first two kids were a toddler and 6 months old
In all of the positions, my responsibilities included caring for the children, coordinating play dates, planning weekly activities, school pickups, after-school activities, and evening supervision. Light housekeeping, laundry some errands, and meal prep.
I see caregiving as not what I do but a part of who I am. I enjoy being a part of these children's lives and contributing to their growth and development. As the saying goes it takes a village to raise children and I see myself as part of that village.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
In 5 years, I hope to be...
a person with more knowledge and experience.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
Baking and arts and crafts.