Kayla L.
CUNY School of Professional Studies,
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
Professional Childcare Experience
After-school Babysitter
Brooklyn, NY, 04/22 - 07/22
two twin girls, age 8
Nanny (nanny-share)
Brooklyn, NY, 06/20 - 07/21
two boys, ages 18 months
Nanny (nanny share)
Brooklyn, NY, 08/19 - 03/20
one girl, one boy ages 7 months
Boston, NY, 01/18 - 05/19
one girl, 6 months, one boy, two and a half
Other Experience
Wine Shop Sales Associate
Brooklyn, NY, 09/21 - 02/22
Nordstrom Designer Sales Manager
Seattle/Burlington, WA/MA, 08/15 - 03/17
About me
Originally I am from the West Coast, more specifically Seattle, Washington. Growing up in the Pacific Northwest I was surrounded by nature which has led me to have a huge love of the outdoors. This passion has informed a lot of the ways I have interacted with and cared for children. I strongly believe in children being, playing, and learning outdoors--it provides a perfect backdrop for so many different types of development to occur. From Seattle, I ventured out to the east coast to Boston, MA and from there made my move to Brooklyn. Living in each of these cities has provided so many different and unique experiences, but I am so happy to have landed in New York.
Ever since being a child, I've held a love for taking care of others. This natural need to nurture transferred to me volunteering/aiding in elementary and special needs classrooms growing up (assisting, tutoring, general looking after) as well as years of babysitting, and participating in children's theater workshops as a costumer. For the past four years, I've had the joy of being a nanny in a couple of different capacities. In Boston, I had the privilege of caring for a boy and girl, two and a half and a five-month-old. In Brooklyn, I started my first nanny-share position where I became a professional multi-talker in caring for two eight-month-olds simultaneously. This position was both a challenge and a reward--being able to witness two babies grow with each other was a true privilege. Taking care of children has been a huge factor in my life, being a middle sibling of three, and it's one I wish to continue.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
In 5 years, I hope to be...
working in the field of industrial and organizational psychology.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
Anything to do with the kitchen--I find baking to be an outlet where children can grow their independent and fine motor skills. Plus there's always a tasty final product to enjoy! I also love supporting children in their reading journeys. I am a huge book nerd and love to help kids get excited about reading. I also love teaching kids about the outdoors--whether that's through nature walks and taking the time to show them different types of trees, flowers, and plants or looking up different animals and where they live.