Benjamin W.
Ball State University,
Bachelor of Fine Arts
Professional Childcare Experience
Part-Time Nanny
Brooklyn, New York, 03/22 - 07/22
One boy age 12
Full-Time Nanny
Lexington, Kentucky, 06/20 - 06/21
One girl age 8, Two boys age 10 and 12
Sunday School Teacher
Lexington, Kentucky, 08/14 - 05/21
Boys and girls from 3-12
Other Experience
New York, New York, 11/21 - Present
Lead Vocalist
Sandusky, Ohio, 07/21 - 11/21
About me
I was raised in Lexington, Kentucky, and lived as an only child until I was 12. Growing up, my 3 step brothers and I always enjoyed any activities we could find! I played several sports before falling in love with acting and I was fortunate to be accepted into a creative arts program! This program helped foster my passion and mold me. I would go on to get my Bachelor of Fine Arts in Musical Theatre from Ball State University. Since graduating, I have been babysitting and performing around the country.
Over the years, I have been hired to work for 2 families and a church, as well as teaching classes and counseling summer camps. I initially started working for the church while I was in high school as a Sunday school teacher for children aged 3-5 and would later transition into a position working with children in several age groups. After college, I went on to work as a full-time nanny for a family of three during the height of the pandemic. This left me in a crucial role as I was in charge of all remote learning for the family. I also relocated to live closer to them in case of emergencies or occasional weekends when the parents just needed to get away! During my year with this family, one of my proudest moments came when I was able to provide their youngest, Sophie, with voice lessons and audition coaching. These lessons would help her gain entry into one of the area's premier art schools!
Finally, most recently I had the pleasure of sitting for a young man in Brooklyn. I heard through some friends that a family was needing a new sitter to help finish out the end of the school year and I was lucky enough to be chosen! While working for this family I made sure to develop a bond with the child so he would feel comfortable, even though I knew the family wouldn’t be needing me for long.
When I am not working, I enjoy riding bikes, sitting in Central Park, reading, and enjoying the city to the fullest extent. When I was young, I always wanted to move to a big city. It was a dream of mine to move to New York and now that I live here each day feels like a gift! Making sure your child is nurtured and well cared for is my priority and I believe that quality childcare is also a gift, one that I would love to share with your family!
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
In 5 years, I hope to be...
Working with a family who I get along with really well and creating art that I feel proud of.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
I love to do crafts and create dances or sing songs with children! As an artist, doing these things gives me a way to connect with kids in a really unique way!