Leah S.
University of Colorado,
BA in Business Administration
Professional Childcare Experience
New York, NY, 08/22 - Present
2 twin girls, ages 5
Summer Educator
New York, NY, 08/22 - Present
Two boys, ages 18 mo and 8
Castle Rock, CO, 04/22 - 08/22
Two boys, ages 4 mo and 2 years
Castle Rock, CO, 04/21 - 04/22
2 twin boys, ages 2 and 1 boy, 13 mo
Preschool Teacher
Castle Rock, CO, 06/19 - 04/21
10 boys and girls, age group 3
After School Teacher
Castle Rock, CO, 06/19 - 04/21
Varied genders and ages varied from 6-12
Other Experience
Cheerleading Coach
, , - 12/-1
About me
I grew up in Colorado! I have 2 older siblings; a sister who is 2 years older than me and a brother who is 4 years older than me! As a kid, I loved music, reading, and gymnastics, and still do! I went to school in Colorado and graduated with a BA in Business Administration. I wanted the opportunity to become an event planner! I always plan and schedule and love fun things to do! Childcare is that nice medium of event planning without all the pressure, which I have thoroughly enjoyed!
I have worked with children for over 6 years professionally and even longer as a volunteer. I first started my childcare experience in my church and volunteered in the kid's classrooms. Quickly after I turned 16, I got my first job in childcare. I’ve worked at 2 different preschools/schools. I initially started as a floater and worked with all ages, varying from 0-12. Eventually, I had a more consistent classroom and worked with kids ages 3. Eventually, I relocated to a different school. Here I worked with both 3-year-olds and 5-14-year-olds. I alternated between them. When I was with the 3-year-olds, I created lesson plans and various learning activities that targeted a specific skill each week. When I was working with school-age children, I was responsible for helping them with their homework and school work. It was right when COVID-19 started, so they had lots of online homework and schoolwork. This included helping them complete assignments and logging in and out of zoom meetings. Eventually, I took my skills in a different direction and began nannying full-time. I was responsible for meal prep, meal clean-up, nap time, transportation, activity planning, etc. I was also used around the house for light housekeeping, grocery runs, mail pick up/drop off, package pick up, and various other needs.
When I have free time, I love being around my friends and family. I am a super social person who loves being around people and talking to them. I also love music! I recently learned how to play the guitar, which has become a valuable tool for children. Most children love music and it helps with their rhythm!
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
Special Needs
In 5 years, I hope to be...
Living my New York dream with my best friends and working with a great family.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
Music and reading! I think these are skills that can be overlooked but I think they’re very valuable and very fun!