Darrien D.
High School,
Professional Childcare Experience
Queens, NY, 06/19 - 06/22
One boy, One girl ages 1 and 5
New York, NY, 07/19 - 03/20
1 girl, age 5 months
Baby sitter
Brooklyn, NY, 02/18 - 12/19
Four kids 2 boys 2 girls , ages 1,5,9,11
New York, NY, 09/18 - 08/19
1 girl, age 4 years old
Manhattan, NY, 05/18 - 09/18
1 boy 3months
Baby sitter
Manhattan, NY, 08/17 - 06/18
two girls 10
Other Experience
Bright horizons backup care
New York, NY, 05/18 - 05/20
Healthcare provider
Brooklyn, NY, 08/17 - 12/19
Sales associate
Manhattan, NY, 04/16 - 03/18
About me
Growing up in Queens gave me a deep appreciation of the city that I lived in, and the plethora of people that lived in it. People say that New York City is a melting pot, and you don’t have to walk far from the popular Jamaica Avenue train station in Queens to see this. Seeing the different kinds of people, ways of life, and ways to live, I developed a curiosity to learn more about people. I chose to continue my education in the city that I knew best. While my major is business communication my passion will always be people. Working in childcare was always natural for me, and as an adult, I can see how my passion for learning about people transitioned into helping raise the very people that make the city I love.
Working in childcare is rewarding every single day. I have worked with many different ages of children; each with their own different challenges. When I first began working in childcare it was for a family of four. I remember them fondly because of their different ages: one, four, five, and nine years of age. This experience radiated with me because it developed my ability to plan. It is hard to take care of four, so vastly different children, without a planned day. This has now become something I utilize at work with any children I care for. The passion, and organization of raising a child is something that I take with me outside of work. I have worked with children who are only a month old, each one different than my previous child. Just like the people in the city, all children are different and require different things. I realized quickly that all children have different learning styles. When I have children of school age, I try to think of different ways to stimulate their minds. I have been working with the same family since 2019, and while they are siblings that are close as can be, they are both of school age and need to study differently. Playtime is almost always a shared experience. I love taking the children to the park, picking them up from school, and taking them to different experiences like children’s museums. When it comes to learning I must take a different approach to each. While this can be challenging sometimes, it is something I have been prepping for my whole life. Living in a city where everyone is different, I know well that even two siblings raised in the same house, have different needs and requirements.
I like to have fun. I have never let go of the child in me and I live for every moment when I can let this side of me out with children. I am currently in school so free time is not at a premium for me. Some of the most fun I have is at work and I don’t regret this at all. Visiting museums is one of my favorite activities and even so, I prefer to do it with the children I am caring for. Every moment in life is special but working in childcare allows me to be a part of the years in life that are the most memorable.
I have professional child care experience with...
In 5 years, I hope to be...
In 5 years I hope to be finished with school and working towards my career. I am in no rush to retire from working, not when I love my job so much. I would hope in the next coming years I would be able to develop a path for myself that allows me to continue to love what I do, but also allow myself to grow financially.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
I love to teach art to the children. I allow them to help me cook which is always a good activity to observe no matter the age. Lastly, I like to introduce them to some of the places I like such as the Museum of Natural History or even Chelsea Piers