Toni-Ann H.
Professional Childcare Experience
Part-Time Babysitter
Bronx, NY, 09/20 - Present
One Boy and One Girl, 5 months and 9
Part-Time Babysitter
New York, NY, 09/22 - 06/23
Two girls, ages 6 and 8
After-School Babysitter
Queens, NY, 09/18 - 12/19
One girl, age 6
Youth Coordinator at a Church
Bronx, NY, 06/08 - 08/12
Multiple youth and young adults of all ages: 4-18
Other Experience
New York, NY, 09/12 - Present
About me
I grew up in Bronx, NY. My two siblings and I aren’t close in age so as a child I learned how to entertain myself. This allowed me to become more creative and explore physical activities. I discovered my enjoyment of bike riding, roller skating, art, and sewing. Through this, I learned how creativity can be fun as well as educational.
In my teenage years, I worked with the youth and young adults of my church. I organized several successful fundraisers including bake sales, car washes, and lemonade stands. With the money raised, we were able to go on many trips including museums, broadway plays, amusement parks, and the zoo. I even made bow ties, accessories, and other props for all the children to coordinate for special events and services. Being involved with a lot of activities with the youth is what started my childcare career. I started babysitting for a plethora of families in my church while in school and working a retail job. For the last 5 years, I have been working for the Department of Education as a Paraprofessional. I am currently with a child who has special needs. I assist her with fine motor skills such as cutting, fastening clothing, and opening containers. I implement strategies to help her meet certain goals and monitor her safety around the school building. Along with my current job, I worked as an after-school sitter. The most recent family I worked with needed care for two children: ages 4 months and 9 years old. My job consisted of bottle and meal preps, homework help, bedtime routine, and fun activities around the house ie. making slime and indoor treasure hunts and building forts.
I love to explore and learn new things to find joy in life. Children are full of life and imagination; Providing a safe space for them to express themselves is important to their growth and creativity. Being able to play a part in their development is rewarding.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
Special Needs
In 5 years, I hope to be...
A more well rounded individual. I hope to be more sure of myself and my purpose.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
Art projects, baking, scavenger hunts and photography are just a few examples of the activities I enjoy doing with children. I think it is valuable for children to learn interpersonal skills, responsibility and how to be independent.