Charlee Beth H.
Catawba College,
BFA in Musical Theatre with a Minor in Dance
Professional Childcare Experience
Part-Time Babysitter
Florence, AL, 03/17 - Present
One boy, Started at age 5 months
Part-Time Nanny
New York, NY, 10/19 - 03/20
One boy, age 1 1/2
Vacation Bible School/Sunday School Leader
Florence, AL, 03/17 - 08/19
2-8 kids ages 5 months-2nd grade
Actor/Assistant Dance Captain
Charlotte, NC, 08/18 - 10/18
12 kids, ages 8-12
Other Experience
Sale Associate
New York, NY, 03/22 - 03/22
About me
I grew up in the small town of Florence, Alabama as my parents’ oldest child. My brother is five years younger than me. Growing up, I treated him as if he were my own child! Our relationship has grown over the years. For as long as I can remember I've been performing. It started out with me playing dress up and singing "Man I Feel Like A Woman" in our living room for anyone who would watch. In highschool, I discovered theatre and knew it was my passion. In college, I pursued a BFA in Musical Theatre with a minor in Dance at Catawba College in North Carolina. There I met some of my very best friends including my current roommate who's also a nanny. While studying at Catawba, I also developed a love for French language and culture. I was one class shy of minoring in French and still continue to build upon my knowledge of the French language. After my graduation, I spent the summer with my family, enjoying time together before I moved to New York City.
I absolutely love children of all ages and truly enjoy spending my days with them. There's something magical about watching a child learn and grow. Throughout my life, I have been a huge part of so many childrens’ lives through nannying, supporting Sunday school classes, and helping young actors realize their potential. Being able to say I've been a part of so many kids' lives is so special to me. I first started babysitting when I was 14 years old. Since then I've had experience with kids ages 5 months - 6th grade, mostly ages 5 months - 2nd grade. Most recently, I've worked with kiddos around 1 1/2 - 4 years old. My responsibilities have included: changing diapers, playing together, practicing developmental skills, warming bottles, going to the park, preparing meals, putting them down for naps and bedtime. In my years of caring for children, I've been a part time nanny, date night sitter, Vacation Bible School Leader, and Nursery Care/Sunday School Teacher.
Creativity is incredibly important to me. I grew up watching my mother sew, quilt, crochet, which developed a love for those creative outlets in myself. I believe this makes me a wonderful caregiver for young children because I am able to play and create with them while furthering their creative skills and helping them expand their minds.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
In 5 years, I hope to be...
Performing on stage full time in some capacity!
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
How to think outside of the box, anything can be fun if you want it to be, self worth/confidence, kindness and love to all.