Heather C.
Covenant College,
Fine Art
Professional Childcare Experience
After-School Babysitter
Chicago, IL, 08/21 - Present
1 boy and 2 girls, ages 6, 8, & 12.
Private Art Tutor
Chicago, IL, 07/21 - Present
1 girl age 6
Part-Time Babysitter
Chicago, IL, 07/21 - Present
3 girls, ages 3 months, 2 and 4.
Part-Time Babysitter
Chicago, IL, 08/21 - 09/21
1 boy age 10
Other Experience
Photography Assistant David Zwirner Gallery
New York City, NY, 08/18 - 03/20
About me
My name is Heather Cromartie and I am an artist, photographer and teacher. I grew up in Arlington Virginia just outside of Washington D.C.
I derive much of my inspiration for a life of care-taking from my grandfather who dedicated 37 years of his life to service as surgeon and director of a hospital in South Korea. My mother having been raised abroad offers me a unique perspective on the importance of family and hard work. She has been a teacher for 25+ years and as also acted as an inspirational force in my life. I studied art and photography throughout high school and college. I find that my years as a teacher has given me a fresh perspective on caring for children especially as they navigate the complexities and anxieties of education in the time of COVID. I believe children are incredibly resilient especially when they are given the right tools to process the world in healthy and positive ways. It is one of my greatest joys to witness this growth.
I have experience working as a private tutor, estate manager, elderly caretaker, nanny and part time babysitter. I enjoy reading, learning, hiking, traveling, and spending time with my loved ones. I like to stay active by training for cycling races on my road bike and dedicating at least 30 minutes a day to my yoga practice. I enjoy exploring Chicago via Bicycle or Hobie Catamaran with my boyfriend who is a internal medicine resident at Northwestern University. I am vaccinated and I can provide vaccination documentation upon request.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
Special Needs
In 5 years, I hope to be...
In 5 years I hope to be married with children of my own. I hope to be a licensed therapist helping children navigate and self regulate their emotions.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
I love imaginative play. I love to invent games and imaginary worlds. I enjoy teaching and experimenting on art projects with children. I find art is a great way to connect with children of all ages.