Lindsey M.
Fashion Institute of Technology,
Fashion Business ManagementFilm and Media Studies
Professional Childcare Experience
Occasional Babysitter
New York, NY, 08/21 - Present
One girl, age 20 months
Full Time Nanny, Part Time Babysitter
Houston, TX, 06/19 - 01/22
One boy, age 3
Full Time Nanny
New York, NY, 03/21 - 06/21
One girl, age 2
Part Time Nanny
Houston, TX, 05/20 - 12/20
One boy, age 3
Part Time Nanny
Jersey City, NJ, 08/19 - 03/20
Two children, girl age 2 and boy age 7 month
Part Time Nanny
New York City, NY, 04/19 - 03/20
Two children, girl age 4 and boy age 13 months
Other Experience
Costume PA
New York, NY, 07/21 - Present
About me
I am twenty-four years old and am from a small town outside of Houston called Sugar Land, Texas. I graduated from the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City with a Fashion Business Management bachelor’s degree and a minor in Film and Media studies. Since graduating in a post-pandemic world, I've been focusing on what I love doing most: working with children and studying fashion design on a Netflix original series.
For the past five years, I have worked with over fifteen families as an occasional, part-time, or full-time nanny. Moreover, for three years, I was a summer camp teacher for toddler and elementary school-age children. I have experience with children ranging from ages seven months to ten years. Throughout my many experiences, I found I work best with children under four; where I can focus on their early developmental growth and creativity. For the past couple of years, I worked as a full-time nanny to two wonderful families and traveled with each of them to different parts of the world. My typical day as a nanny can include: preparing the children's meals, engaging in creative activities such as painting or coloring, creating imaginary characters, conducting learning activities such as reading or reviewing the alphabet, and doing minor household chores related to the children.
My personality has been described as bubbly, outgoing, and loving. When working with children, I always try to form a fun and creative atmosphere where they feel free to express themselves and explore new things. I believe a child’s imagination is vitally important; and, as a nanny, it is my duty to instill creativity and care throughout my time with them.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
In 5 years, I hope to be...
Continuing to accomplish my goals and seeking new opportunities. I find myself continually growing with every experience I take. I hope to be consistently evolving myself with kindness and intelligence as I journey thorough life.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
One of my favorite activities with children is taking them outdoors to explore their surroundings and teach them about nature. I love showing children that it is ok to get your hands a little dirty on the playground when discovering the world we live in, as long as we always wash our hands of course!