Elaine J.
Professional Childcare Experience
Part -time nanny
Chicago, Illinois, 03/20 - 11/21
one girl age 3
Part -time nanny
Chicago, Illinois, 04/17 - 08/21
Two girls ages 4 and 8
Part -time nanny
Chicago, Illinois, 08/20 - 08/21
Two boys ages 1 and 4
About me
I grew up in the northwest of Chicago. I have one brother and one sister and I am the youngest in my family. I have a 20-year-old niece who I cared for when she was younger. As a child, I loved singing, playing board games, and I especially loved playing the role of the teacher when my friends and I pretended to playschool. This was my favorite game to play as a child.
When I was in college, I worked as a part-time nanny because it worked well with my school schedule and gave me the experience to be able to work with different families with different age groups.
I earned a B.A. in Early Childhood Education from Kendall College. After college, I looked into daycares and preschools to work for now that I had my B.A. in Early Childhood Education. I worked as an Infant and toddler teacher while I was waiting for the preschool room to open when students were enrolled in the program. After working for a few years in different preschool settings, I realized that I missed the one-on-one connection that I had with individual children so I pursued babysitting jobs and nanny jobs.
I have worked with children for over 25 years in both a nanny setting and a preschool setting. My longest nanny position lasted four years. I started when the youngest was about 10 months and ended when she was four years old. Her sister was four when I started and eight when the position ended. I changed diapers, made lunches, cleaned their dishes, and transported the older sibling to and from school, and day camp as well as going to the library, and the park with both children. I worked as their nanny, as well as a date night sitter, teacher, etc. I know some baby sign language that I use in my nanny environment.
I keep myself updated with my IL Gateway registration which involves completing training and I use these experiences in the nanny and or babysitting environment. When it comes to discipline I believe in time-outs according to the child's age it has worked for me both in a nanny /preschool setting. I am constantly thinking of new concepts when it comes to children learning their colors, numbers, and letters, etc.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
In 5 years, I hope to be...
In 5 years I hope to still be working with multiple families through the Smart sitting company.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
I love to do puzzles, read, to children and do flashcards and love to teach children their alphabet, numbers, colors. I also, like to nature projects and art projects with children of all ages.