Gebriella H.
The New School,
BFA in Dramatic Arts
Professional Childcare Experience
After School Babysitter
Brooklyn, NY, 09/21 - 11/21
Three girls, 4/5/8
Part Time Nanny
Brooklyn, NY, 04/21 - 07/21
9 month old boy
After School Babysitter
New York, NY, 09/18 - 05/19
10 year old girl
After School Babysitter
New York, NY, 09/16 - 05/18
Two boys, 6 and 7
Part- Time Sitter
Houston, TX, 09/15 - 05/16
14 year old girl
Date Night Sitter
Houston, TX, 09/15 - 12/15
Two girls 7, 8
Other Experience
Tour Guide/Admissions Advisor
New York, NY, 01/18 - 07/20
Resident Advisor
New York, NY, 12/17 - 05/20
Office Assistant
New York, NY, 10/16 - 12/17
Mail Processor
Houston, TX, 05/16 - 08/16
Program Host: Shakespeare in the Schools
Houston, TX, 08/15 - 05/16
About me
I was originally born in Ethiopia, but I moved to the states when I was 1 and grew up in Houston. I have 4 younger siblings and 1 older brother, so you could say I have a pretty big family. I moved to New York for college, and got a BFA in Dramatic Arts at The New School. I studied acting, singing, writing, and directing while in school and I still pursue a career in the performing arts while I nanny. Growing up, my parents worked tirelessly, so I always had to support my family in caring for my siblings. It seemed natural for me to transition into child care work as a job. Even while in school, my other jobs correlated with the nurturing and supportive aspects of my personality, like being an RA or working with the administration office to help prospective students. My experience ties to the joy I feel working in positions where I can provide the proper tools and love needed to thrive to our next generation.
I’ve worked as a babysitter for about 6 years now. My first job was in 2015. I cared for a 14 year old girl and my responsibilities included, pick-up, driving to activities, homework help, making dinner, running errands for the family and house sitting while the parents were away. After that, I worked with two boys, 6 and 7 years old. I did pick-up and traveling to activities. I also stayed for homework help, dinner, bathing before bed, and play-time. Following that, I worked with an 10 year old girl, following the same responsibilities as listed above. After that, I cared for a 9 month old baby boy, 12-4pm on weekdays, to relieve the primary nanny that was there all day. My responsibilities included getting him from his nap, diaper changing, making lunch and feeding him, changing him, tidying up the home, and play-time. My most recent job was a family of three girls, ages 4/5/8, and I worked about 2-7pm during the week. I did school pick-up, taking to activities, play-time, prepping snacks and dinner, organizing play dates, homework help, bathing before bed, and light clean up for the house.
I’e always connected deeply with the children I care for, and I hope to continue working with families to see what support I can offer in nurturing growing families.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
In 5 years, I hope to be...
To be on screen! Whether it be one of my own work or in a professional production.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
I love drawing with kids! I also love baking and cooking along side the kids so they can be involved. I’m also great at playing games and keeping up with the kids, so I love showing them new games to incorporate in their play time.