Sarah V.
University of Alabama,
B.S. in Health Studies and a minor in Nutrition
Professional Childcare Experience
Part Time Nanny
Brooklyn, U.S., 06/21 - 09/21
18 m, 5
Full time Nanny
Brooklyn, U.S., 09/20 - 05/21
18m, 5, 8
Full Time Nanny
San Francisco, CA, 08/16 - 08/20
11, 14
Full time Nanny
San Francisco, Ca, 08/15 - 08/16
Other Experience
Personal Trainer
Tuscaloosa, Alabama, 09/12 - 07/14
About me
I began my career in childcare when I was in high school and started volunteering in my church nursery. I've always loved being around toddlers as well as infants and volunteering turned into babysitting which lead to being a full time Nanny during the summers in high school and college. Growing up with 3 siblings made the house always fun, full, and it was so nice being surrounded by other who care and love you, I'm confident that's why I've pursued Nannying as a professional career.
I didn't know I was able to make a career out of caring for children until I graduated college and took a leap out to California. in 2014 I started working as a live in nanny and since then I've worked with several families from San Francisco to Brooklyn, New York. I've been able to grow with families and children from toddlers to teenagers and I'm currently hoping to continue developing my career and grow with another family. Some of the best memories I have are with the kids I've worked with and grown with over the years. I've enjoyed being a part of a team within the families I've worked with and find it a gratifying experience to support the parents as a third or fourth person to care for the children.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
In 5 years, I hope to be...
A mother!
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
I love reading and story time with children. Whether it's me reading or them reading to me, it's a great way for us to interact with the story, be silly, or have them practice reading!