Genevieve M.


The College of Saint Rose,
BA Early Childhood Education

Masters Early Childhood Special Education

Other Experience

DOE Teacher
New York City, NY, 04/18 - Present

Brooklyn, New York, 06/19 - 09/19

Groton, Connecticut, 06/16 - 08/18

About me

I grew up in a small town in Connecticut. I lived with my grandparents and two childhood cats. After graduating high school, I made my way to upstate New York to complete my undergraduate studies in early childhood education. After completing my undergraduate education, I moved to New York City to complete my graduate program in Early Childhood Education. I will soon be heading back to school to attend school to become a child therapist.

I have worked with children since high school. I began by volunteering for a program called Grandparents Raising Grandchildren where I provided families with childcare and offered to tutor. I then moved on to work in a childcare facility with children from 3 months to 10 years old. I spent most of my time working with infants and toddlers. During this time I was responsible for feeding children, heating up bottled, changing diapers, and planning different lessons for the children. After completing my master's program, I began to work for the school district. I have worked in first grade and preschool during this time.

I have always found children to be inspiring, thought-provoking, and some of life's greatest teachers. As a creative person myself, I love to bring this aspect into my work with my children. Whether that be by telling stories, singing songs, drawing pictures, or visiting a museum and encouraging all of the "why's and how's?"

I have professional child care experience with...

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    School-aged (K-5)

In 5 years, I hope to be...

Working as a full-time child therapist.

Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...

My love for music, drawing, art, and supporting them to explore the things they are curious about.