Salam G.
High school,
Professional Childcare Experience
Part time live out Nanny
OldBridge, NJ, 06/20 - Present
1new born baby girl
Full time Nanny live out
Manalapan, NJ, 08/15 - 12/19
3 boys ages of 13 yrs , 9yrs &5yrs
Full time live out Nanny
Manalapan, J, 01/08 - 07/15
3 children 9 yrs ,4yrs and new born
Full time live out Nanny
Manalapan, NJ, 07/01 - 12/07
Two girls 4 years & new born
Other Experience
, , - 12/-1
About me
I was the oldest of 4 siblings I took responsibility of taking care of them at a very young age , I graduated high school went to college for nursing degree in the American university of Beirut I couldn’t finish my first year because of civil war . Came to America I start working as a care giver for friends & families , that was something that I am naturally good at & very fulfilling to my caring & nurturing character . I started baby sitting kids in my house while I was raising my own , teaching them new activities & preparing food for them as my kids got older I started working full time jobs , I enjoy taking care of children ages newborns to Midleschoolers .
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
In 5 years, I hope to be...
I hope to be working with the same family I will start working for , the hardest thing with my job is leaving the family & especially the children , because I put my heart & soul into taking care of them nurturing & loving them as if they are my own . Although I stayed connected with the families I worked for and we consider each other extended family , and I participate in their birthdays & graduations .
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
Reading , learning independence , building problem solving skills by redirecting behaviors and practicing calming strategies, like monitoring mood meter , & self talk strategy , teach emotional intelligence skills that help them with social interactions & their ability to freely express feelings . Teach them responsibilities & how to be proactive as a family member , teach them self respect & self discipline, morales & ethics, builder healthy eating habits ……..