Samantha R.
University of Maryland College Park,
B.A. in Sociology
Professional Childcare Experience
New York, New York, 10/20 - Present
One girl age 9 months
Developmentally Disabled Adult Care
Westminster, Maryland, 01/14 - 06/20
Part time Babysitter
Perry Hall, Maryland, 03/17 - 06/20
One boy age 9 mos
Full Time Nanny
Westminster, Maryland, 10/19 - 03/20
One girl age 3, one boy age 8 mos
Temporary Nanny (Full time and then on call)
Catonsville, Maryland, 06/15 - 09/16
One boy age 6 months
After school Nanny (full time in summer)
Takoma Park, Maryland, 11/08 - 08/09
One boy age 5 and one girl age 7 (at start)
Other Experience
Coordinator of Community Services (Caseworker)
Westminster, Maryland, 03/18 - 03/19
Employment Specialist (Caseworker)
Westminster, Maryland, 06/17 - 03/18
Genius Administrator (Apple)
Columbia, Maryland, 06/12 - 04/17
About me
I grew up in Maryland as the oldest of eight children in a blended family. Some of my siblings were adopted and some were special needs. I knew from a very young age that I loved taking care of children and my unique family background gave me experience and empathy for different circumstances. I attended University of Maryland College Park and received a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology with a concentration stratification or the unequal distribution of power, property and prestige in society. While in college, I continued to nanny and work with children part time. After College I spent some time working in social work but learned I prefer the direct impact I am able to have working with children so I returned to Nannying full time!
During college I was an after school nanny for two young children ages 5 and 7. I was responsible for picking up one child from preschool in Maryland and then driving to pick up the second child from school in Washington DC. I also took them to after school activities, swim team practices and meets, play dates, museum trips and other extracurricular activities both via car in Maryland and public transit (metro) in DC. Finally, during my time with this family one of the children began experiencing behavioral issues and I helped to coordinate between his parents, teachers and occupational therapist to help him adjust. I also did on call baby sitting for other families over the years. After moving to New York in 2020 I began a job with a 9 month old infant who was in foster care. I was responsible for bringing the child to and helping facilitate supervised visits at the social work agency with child and birth mother. I coordinated between the foster mother (my employer), social worker and birth mother. I planned and executed age appropriate activities that encouraged and prepared her to achieve developmental milestones such as weaning, walking and talking. My unique experience with my sister who was a foster child before being adopted has been invaluable in navigating this position and I have learned so much.
In conclusion, I love being a nanny and being the child’s first introduction to and interpretation of the world. I love watching children grow and explore and learn about the world around them. My goal is to help guide them into becoming the people they are meant to be. I would love to find a family I can grow with long term!
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
Special Needs
In 5 years, I hope to be...
I hope to be in a fulfilling position doing what I love!
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
I love doing arts and crafts and musical activities!