Brania N.
Bronx community college,
Associate Degree in Arts, Criminal Justice
Professional Childcare Experience
Part time babysitter
Bronx, New York, 06/21 - Present
5 months old
Full time babysitter
Downtown, New York, 12/18 - 02/21
4 years old and 10 years old
Other Experience
Petco retail sales associate/cashier
Bronx, New York, 01/18 - 11/18
About me
I grew up in Yonkers, NY as the youngest child. I speak English and Spanish. As a child i enjoyed playing sports such as softball and volleyball i also enjoyed watching documentaries of murder cases which made me be interested in the field of criminal justice and i ended up attending Bronx Community College and graduating with my associate degree in arts, Criminal Justice this Spring semester 2021. im currently attending John Jay college of criminal justice in this upcoming fall semester to get my bachelors Degree in criminology.
I have 1 older brother and sister. when i was in high school i helped my cousin that lived with me at the time with her daughter for quite a bit some time. my sister also had two kids and i would help her as well, taking care of these kids made me want to get into the profession of babysitting because i enjoyed being with children and teaching them right from wrong. i've been working with children for about 3 years. my first family that i worked with was two kids one was 4 years old and the other was 10 years old that had autism. i often took the kids to the park, gave the 10 year old his medicine when needed, prepared lunch for them and gave them snacks when they wanted, played any games they wanted to play and i also did educational activities with them and taught them how to have manners and to learn how to be fair with one another. with my second family i babysat for a 5 month old baby, my duties were to prepare milk for baby and feed her, change diaper, tummy time, educational activities such as talking to her to develop her brain, reading books to her and putting baby to sleep.
Ever since my sister birthed my niece and nephew, i see them as if they were my own since i lived with them their whole life and i love them to death. it reminds me that these children are going to be the next generation and we have to teach them how to be good to one another, have respect and make them succeed. my goal is to help children create a more loving and peaceful world for all of us.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
Special Needs
In 5 years, I hope to be...
Westchester Police officer.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
the skills i would love to teach and share with children is focus, self control, communication, sharing, having manners and respect. the activities i would love to teach children is going on picnics, play cooperative games and using a timer to take turns.