Connie B.
Ithaca College,
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Musical Theatre
Professional Childcare Experience
Part-Time Babysitter
New York City, New York, 01/21 - Present
1 girl, age 6
Part-Time Babysitter
New York City, New York, 06/21 - Present
Two girls, ages 6 and 9
Other Experience
Retail Associate - J. Crew
New York City, New York, 11/20 - 01/21
Retail Associate - Madewell
New York City, New York, 10/19 - 01/20
About me
Hi there! My name is Connie and I am an actress based in New York City! Originally born and raised in sunny Los Angeles, I am a lover of the outdoors, namely beaches. Since I was a child, I always dreamed of living in New York City. I feel so lucky that I've chosen a career path that has given me the opportunity to live in this beautiful city. I graduated from Ithaca College in Upstate, NY with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Musical Theatre. Suffice to say, I've grown to love the cold!
For as long as I can remember, I have always been passionate about working with children. As a creative, I am constantly inspired by their wild imaginations, expressiveness, fearlessness, and ability to stay in tune with the present moment, not focused on what has passed or what is to come. I began babysitting on summer breaks home from college and realized very quickly that it was something I'd be interested in doing for the long haul. I babysat two kids, ages 9 and 11, for two summers in California, helping their single mother with drop-offs/pick-ups from summer activities, spending time outdoors, finding creative ways to stay off screens indoors, and prepping snacks/meals. After moving to NYC, I've been splitting my time between two wonderful families in the Washington Heights area. One family has a six year old girl and the other have two girls, ages 6 and 9. Now that it is summer, we spend lots of time outdoors and when inside, we like to play make believe, acting out characters from various movies and books. Right now, we are focusing on all things Harry Potter and I am, without a doubt, always cast as Hermione Granger because of my ability to do a slight British accent!
Although living in New York City as an actor can present its own daily challenges, I feel incredibly lucky to spend time with these children who've really become like my family. I learn so much from them but the things that I always hold onto include laughing every day, being open to trying new things, and always having fun!
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
In 5 years, I hope to be...
on a TV series or in a film!
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
Music - Singing together! Role playing - We choose different characters from movies/tv shows/book and interact with each other in character! Arts and Crafts Making our own stories/books