Yvedithe A.
About me
My name is Yvedithe Alphonse, I am 26 years of age and currently live in the Boston area. I am originally from Haiti, and moved to the Us when I was 6 years old. I am fluent in both English and Haitian Creole. I am currently a student at BHCC studying Early childhood Education, and when I am done at BHCC I would love to transfer to a four year school, like Leslie or UMASS. After school, I plan to become a kindergarten teacher and hopefully one day opem up my own child care center. Being in school while being a nanny allows me to have hands on experience while I am learning and helps with putting my knowledge to a real life experience.
My first family I worked with full time were ages 3 & 6 when I began with them amd I am still currently their part time nanny. They’re now 5 amd 8. I was responsible for after school pick up, and snacks, activities, outside time, and dinner, bath and books. I would watch them until late so would do all evening and bedtime routines together. The next family I worked with was a nanny share for two boys ages 2. That was a great experience, I was responsible for watching both boys at one families home and we did activities like visiting the library the museum the aquarium and we did lots and lots of outside time as this started off as a summer job. I’ve also had the pleasure of working with a wonderful family of a two-year-old girl I worked with her during the pandemic right at the beginning of the pandemic and that was one of my most humbling experiences. i Being that families support system through that rough time and being responsible for their child basically from 9am until 6:00 PM Monday through Friday over that experience I grew a really close bond with the family and still communicate with them today even after they’ve moved away from the city, & so that was a really great experience for me.
Over the past year I have worked with infants. One being 3 months, I watched her 2 days weekly from 7am-2pm. Responsibilities were bottle feed and mom would breast feed at times, playing, and keeping the child safe at all times of course. I do speak Haitian Creole fluently, and so working with the family of the infant was great because I was also able to communicate to them in Creole. I love to play, sing, dance, bake and get really creative with the kiddos.
Everyone always asks me, “ How do you work with kids?” Well I love children. I love being their support system, I love how curious they’re about life and how they’re like a sponge and learn new things every second. I want to be a part of the community change that can help every child feel happy, wanted, safe, confident. I want every child to know how when they’re with me it’s a safe space, a loving space, and a place of no judgement.
My childcare approach that I love is the Montessori idea of learning and I also truly believe children learn well through their environment.
Moving here at the age of 6 I was a shy kid, didn’t have any friends and didn’t speak English. I only knew how to say hello, and bye. I didn’t make many friends at first but with the love and support of Ms. Lamour ( I’ll never forget her) I was able to not only learn to read and speak in English in less than a year but I made so many friends & I wasn’t that shy kid anymore when I was in the classroom. I want to be that support and change for the children I work with. Working with children has open my heart and I wouldn’t choose to do anything or be anywhere else.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
Special Needs
In 5 years, I hope to be...
A full time teacher in the classroom and working on plans for my own nanny business.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
I love arts and crafts and fun science experiments. I love to read to children and love being able to explore outside.