Jocelyn G.
Trinity High School,
Northern Illinois University,
Professional Childcare Experience
Part-Time Babysitter
Chicago, IL, 02/19 - 02/19
1 10 year old boy and 1 13 year old girl
Chicago, US, 02/18 - 02/19
1 10 year old girl
chic, US, 02/19 - 02/19
1 Boy in kindergarden and 1 boy in first grade
After-School Nanny
Chicago, US, 02/16 - 02/16
1 newborn boy and 1 preschooler
Other Experience
Customer Service Representative
St.Charles, US, 06/20 - 08/20
Chicago, US, 10/19 - 03/20
Chicago, US, 09/16 - 05/19
About me
My name is Jocelyn Guerra! I grew up in Chicago, IL, and I have 2 younger sisters. As I child enjoyed dancing, drawing, and loved to have playdates with my friends. I graduated from Trinity High School in River Forest (all girls school) in 2020, and I am now currently attending Northern Illinois University to major in Psychology, and minor in counseling. I originally intended to pursue a career as a therapist, but have switched over to becoming a child abuse counselor or child life specialist! Ever since I was in high school, I always found myself at happiest when I made other people feel loved and safe. I always knew that aiding people finically, mentally, or physically made me feel happy and what was I truly passionate about, especially with kids. Kindness & empathy is so important I strongly believe!
I've been working with children ever since grade school. My first babysitting job was in 8th grade. I took care of a 4-year-old, and helped the grandparents take care of a newborn baby. As years progressed, I was called when needed by many families to take care of their kids. Ages ranged from 7-13. My day-to-day responsibilities for some families were picking up the kids from their after-school activities, providing meals, making sure they went to bed on time, keeping them entertained, etc.
I love to attend church, meditate, and listen to music! I think a lot of the hobbies I currently have can help connect with my love for children through becoming a responsible, caring, and safe mentor to the child. As I've stated before, a lot of things that pursued me to go into child-related work were the things I went through and felt as a kid. I always wanted someone to understand me, and remember how I felt when I thought no one heard me, or hurt my feelings. I want to be that one adult that makes the child feel safe, heard, and loved! My approach to childcare is using kindness and patience. I strongly believe that the way we treat kids is so important. They can remember everything, their brain is not as developed as we adults think they are, and how they are raised builds character! I grew up being taught, do others what you want to be done to you.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
In 5 years, I hope to be...
a child abuse counselor or child life specialist.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
Kindness and learning how to properly let out your emotions!