Petra M.
Webutuck High School,
High Honors Diploma
Dutchess Community College,
Professional Childcare Experience
After-School Babysitter
, , 09/18 - Present
Girl age 5, boy age 3
Part-Time Babysitter
Sharon, CT, 03/19 - 03/20
Boy newborn, girl age 2
Great Barrington, MA, 11/03 - 08/18
Boy age 2, Girl newborn
Part-Time Babysitter
Mill River, MA, 09/11 - 12/13
2 boys age 9mnths, girl age 4
Part-Time Babysitter
Copake, NY, 09/09 - 08/11
Boy age 3, girl age 3mnths
Other Experience
Dog Nanny
South Egremont, MA, 02/16 - Present
Independent Consultant
Great Barrington, MA, 09/15 - 01/17
About me
I grew up in a small town in NY with my mom, dad, and younger brother. As a young teen I started babysitting for local friends and family. By the time I graduated high school I had already gained valuable experience with newborns/toddlers.
After high school I attended some college and worked at a YMCA summer camp. Then I decided to make a big move to Los Angeles. While in CA for 5yrs I nannied professionally working with several families who had babies/toddlers, traveled on vacations with them, and learned about speech/occupational therapy. I was involved in all aspects of care including changing diapers, feeding, bathing, taking walks, going to playgrounds, driving to appointments, attending activities/classes, etc.
After moving back to the East coast I started working for a family with a 2yr old & a baby on the way. I stayed with them for 15yrs. Responsibilities included just about everything. Meals, baths, nap times, play groups, activities, drop offs, pick ups, homework help, dishes, laundry, and tidying up after the kids. We enjoyed many adventures together like swimming, hiking, museum visits, outings with friends, dining, and movies. I still stay in touch with them and have so many great memories. The past 2yrs have included a morning position with a newborn & 2yr old; as well as an after-school position with a 3yr old & 5yr old.
My other passion is dogs which has been a wonderful addition to those families with pets. I have a dog myself & volunteer with rescues. I am fun-loving, kind, and compassionate. I am organized, thoughtful, attentive, and reliable. I believe in having good communication with the parents to ensure consistency for the kids.
**As far as Covid, I wear a mask to do my essential errands, follow social distancing rules, rarely socialize outdoors with friends, and did not gather with my family over the holidays**
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
Special Needs
In 5 years, I hope to be...
Doing some of the same things with kids, dogs, friends, and family. I'd love to have more flexibility and freedom to enjoy life.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
Reading, arts & crafts, singing songs, exploring new places. Teaching kids compassion and caring for other living beings.