Michelle P.
Columbia College Chicago,
Nursing Assistant,
CNA Certificate
Professional Childcare Experience
After-school Babysitter
New York, New York, 08/18 - Present
One Girl age 9, One boy, age 12
Camp Counselor
White Plains, NY, , 07/19 - 08/19
Girls, ages between 8-10
Part-Time/Backup Sitter
Manhattan, NYC, , 05/19 - 05/19
Girl, Age 5
Full time Nanny
Indiana, , 09/17 - 10/18
Girl, Infant
Other Experience
NYC, , 05/19 - Present
Nursing Assistant
San Diego, CA, 02/15 - 05/17
About me
I was born and raised in sunny California as the oldest to a right-leg amputee brother. I adore the creative side of life, whether that be music, arts or dance, I have an extreme interest in those areas. As a result of my love for the arts, I went on to College to work on my BFA in Musical Theater. I went on moving back home for a few years and working on being a Nursing Assistant. I worked in the medical field, while obtaining my creative side, for 3 years.
In the nursing field, I was assigned to work with Mother/Baby, Trauma and ER, and ICU. My training and work here taught me discipline, organization, and professionalism that I was missing in my training to become an actor. I later moved to Indiana to be with family and help a sick family member and while there, I had my first professional nanny job.
From there, I moved to NYC and worked as a Nanny and part-time sitter to many families throughout the city, while also working as a bartender at Broadway shows in Manhattan. My favorite part of childcare is seeing children grow and learn their own interests! My priorities and passion is uplifting children to become confident in their own skin. I love encouraging children to be creative and explore many outlets that will prepare them for the real world.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
Special Needs
In 5 years, I hope to be...
Traveling and married while being a working actor. Hopefully some of the kids I've worked with in the past are still in contact with me.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
Improv skills, art (drawing), reading music, dancing and body movement. I love teaching kids different ways to express themselves!