Casey L.
Oberlin College,
B.A. in Theater and History
Professional Childcare Experience
New York, NY, 01/21 - Present
One girl 4 years
Part Time Nanny
Brooklyn, NY, 06/21 - 09/21
One girl 10 weeks-6 months, one boy 3.5
Summer Nanny
Jackson, WY, 06/19 - 09/20
Four kids 8,10,13, and 15
Evening Nanny
Little Rock, AR, 02/17 - 09/19
One boy 11 months and one girl 3 years
Little Rock, AR, 06/16 - 09/16
One girl 13 months
Little Rock, AR, 05/21 - 09/16
Two boys, ages 4 and 7
Day Care Staff
Little Rock, AR, 04/16 - 08/16
A variety of kids between 3 months and 6 years
Summer Nanny
Little Rock, AR, 10/15 - 08/16
One boy 4 and one girl 6
Other Experience
Office Staff, commercial white water rafting
Jackson Hole, WY, 06/19 - 09/20
Student Manager, Ticketing Service
Oberlin, OH, 02/17 - 03/20
Associate Producer for a small summer theater fest
Oberlin, OH, 05/18 - 08/18
About me
I grew in the beautiful Mississippi delta in Little Rock, AR, but my father is from a big Long Island Italian family so I love living in the city. Even though I am from a family of doctors and accountants, I was drawn to the performing arts at a very young age. I spent my childhood riding horses, dancing, and participating in community theater. I went to Oberlin College where I studied Russian and German history and theater, and was a lucky member of the class of 2020 to graduate from quarantine. Since graduating I have moved around the country a lot, I spent a few months home with my parents, most of the summer in Jackson Hole, WY where I worked for a commercial white water rafting company, and nannied for a fabulous family, and hiked every day I had off!
I started working with children in high school when I applied to work at a day care at my local pool/athletic club. My mother hoped it would scare me away from kids, but instead I found that I loved them! In the daycare we cared for children six and under who would stay for two to three hours at a time, during the busy hours we would have almost twenty (usually including a couple infants), but in the afternoons it was often just a few select children who stayed with us full time, ages 2,3, and 6. I changed diapers, negotiated conflicts, and managed food allergies. I privately babysat fora few parents form the day care, a family with two children 4 and 6, and a very sweet family with one child who was 13 months old and had a fairly delicate disposition and a number of food sensitivities.
Most recently I worked for an incredible family in Jackson Hole with four children (8,10,13,15).Shortly after I started working for them, I called my father in a panic "what can I possibly give to these kids that they don't already have" and his answer was simple and it has become my guiding philosophy in childcare. Pure undivided attention. Attention and respect are the only things I can really truly give, and I think that is really something special.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
In 5 years, I hope to be...
Hopefully I will be working in a theater administration position for a theater that's producing new work that I'm passionate about. Likely development or talent management. I hope for Covid to be over so I can spend more time with my friends and family. I also hope I have a dog.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
I grew up in dance classes, I love tap and ballet. I am a master cartwheeler and I'm always looking to pass on my skills in that department. I tutored my parent's neighbor in early quarantine in Algebra 1 (9th grade by Arkansas public school standards) and I speak a little bit of Russian- it is such a beautiful language.