Henna M.
Pauma Christian Academy,
High school diploma
Professional Childcare Experience
Regular Sitter
Portland, OR, 09/17 - 11/20
One boy, age 2
Portland, OR, 02/18 - 10/18
Two girls, ages 2 weeks ad 3 months
Portland, Portlanf, 10/17 - 09/18
Two girls, ages 2 weeks and 3 months
Portland, OR, 10/17 - 03/18
Two girls, ages 5 and 7
Regular Sitter
Portland, OR, 01/17 - 01/18
One boy, age 6 and one girl, age 3
Regular Sitter
San Diego, CA, 04/15 - 12/16
Two boys, ages 1 and 3
Other Experience
Barista Lead
Portland, OR, 11/18 - 10/20
About me
I grew up in a small town in the mountains of San Diego county, California. I am 1 of 10 kids, so constantly having a new baby in the house was something completely normal (and joyful) for me. I was homeschooled and had lots of interactive schooling and learning opportunities, which was something I was always so grateful for. After graduating high school, I pursued art. I am currently talking to counselors to further pursue my education.
I started working with children when I was a teenager. Initially as a date night sitter, and later on working in nurseries at local churches to volunteering as a counselor for summer camps. I've now been professionally nannying for five years. I watched kids aged 2 weeks old - middle school. I've done full time, part time, afterschool and sitter positions. The last gig I was lucky enough to work was a nanny share for two lovely families with newborns. I started one baby at 2 weeks and the other at 3 months. I logged all feedings, diaper changes and naps throughout the day so the parents could be be informed and keep a consistent schedule on the days I was off duty. We did lots of walks to the park, music listening, book reading, dancing and laughing. I also helped in introducing solid foods as well as potty training. I am FirstAid and CPR certified. I also am very familiar with Montessori method of education.
I am involved with childcare because I believe it is of the utmost importance. It is something I have always had a passion for. There is nothing as rewarding as having a part in the shaping of a child and their heart and mind. I love sharing skills, knowledge and creativity. I love watching them grow and become curious. I love building strong and meaningful relationships because I still remember the people that did that for me as a kid.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
In 5 years, I hope to be...
A college graduate. I hope to have a degree in film.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
I absolutely love sharing art, music and cooking with kids. It's something I always strive to do with every child under my care.