Ambar S.
Hostos Community College,
Associate's Degree in Early Childhood
Lehman College,
Bachelor's Degree in PsychologyMinor in Early Childhood
Professional Childcare Experience
Part-Time Babysitter
Queens, New York, 11/20 - 02/20
Two girls, ages 4
Other Experience
Assistant Teacher
Queens, NY, 01/17 - Present
About me
I grew up in New York City as the oldest child in a very busy household. While my mother worked to provide for my younger brother and I, my grandmother took care of us and a few of my younger cousins. I helped my grandmother take care of the young ones everyday after school. I would always play with them, read to them, help with their feedings and just make sure they were happy and safe.
Since I always had this passion, I decided to get my Associate's degree in Early Childhood Education at Hostos Community College. Once I got this degree, I started working in a private Montessori school with children from the ages of 2 to 4 as an assistant teacher. Some of the duties that I deliver are assisting Head Teachers by preparing the materials and equipment needed to carry out lessons, promote a positive learning environment where the needs of each child is met and Observe children’s behaviors and collaborate with Head Teachers to develop learning goals for each child. I also worked for a few months with a family that I met in this Montessori school as a part-time babysitter. I babysat two twin girls that were 4 years old at the time. Duties includes playing games, pretend and puzzles with the girls, preparing and feeding them dinner, light house chores while the girls were eating and helping them pick their outfits for the next school day.
One of the things that I enjoy is watching how a child learns a new skill and tries to exercise it as best as they can. It is captivating to me. Children can learn so much in their early childhood years and we, as their teachers, have to make sure we nurture them with love, positivity and encouragement. We are the models they look up to and if we are mindful and caring, our children will grow up being the same.
I have professional child care experience with...
In 5 years, I hope to be...
a graduate with a Master's degree in a child related field. Also, I hope to accomplish a few personal goals like traveling.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
are how to be mindful of our own body and feelings as well as others, reading and analyzing the pictures and words in a book and playing pretend, since imagination help children develop their conversation skills and thought process.