Shykaylia A.
Mandl College of Allied Health,
A.S. in Surgical Technology
Professional Childcare Experience
Jersey City, NJ, 11/17 - 07/20
Twin girls, age 4 months
Teacher Assistant
Jersey City, NJ, 02/15 - 11/17
Multiples, age 4-16 months
Springfield, MA, 07/14 - 12/14
One boy, age 3
Other Experience
West Springfield, MA, 05/12 - 06/14
East Long Meadow, MA, 10/07 - 09/09
Six Flag New England
Agawam, MA, 07/07 - 10/07
Middle Town, CT, 06/14 - 12/-1
About me
I was born and raised in Springfield, Massachusetts, as the youngest of three siblings. Growing up, I enjoyed rollerblading, volleyball, painting, and anything related to nature. I am studying to achieve an AAS degree in Surgical Technology. I will then move on to get my BA in Health Science and complete a Surgical PA program, where I will assist in saving and improving the lives of many children.
I had an affinity for children at an early age and have 12 years of experience with children, including babysitting for friends, family, and neighbors. I have worked with children in a classroom setting as an infant teacher assistant where I cared for (ages 4 - 16 months). Through play, I helped children reach their developmental goals with creative, stimulating activities, which included exploring textures in a treasure basket and stacking with nesting bowls. Duties include participating in the bi-monthly program based training and professional development and working effectively with parents and lead teacher. I logged all daily activities. Changed diapers and maintained each sleep schedule. My most recent job was as a nanny for 3 years of twin girls currently age 4. My time spent with the girls included birthday celebrations, Halloween, trips to the zoo, dentist appointments, music class, dance class, and trips to Charlotte, NC. I encouraged the girls to be creative with stimulating activities such as painting, coloring, reading, and exploring outside. Duties included maintaining twin's schedules, diaper changes, potty training, bottle feeding, bathing, sanitizing toys daily, laundry, and organizing toys.
I enjoy biking, traveling, meeting people of all different cultures, Sci Fi movies, and the outdoors! My goal is to provide children with a fun, fulfilling, and enriched environment. Children are a delightful gift, and we must encourage them with love and compassion to always reach for the stars!
I have professional child care experience with...
In 5 years, I hope to be...
A Surgical Physician Assistant.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
Are honesty, fairness, friendship, respect, teamwork, and cooperation skills.