Fernanda T.
The College of New Jersey,
B.S. Criminology
Capella University,
M.S. in Marriage and Family Therapy
Professional Childcare Experience
Special Needs Nanny
Herndon, VA, 02/20 - 07/20
13 year old boy
After-School Babysitter
Fairfax, VA, 04/20 - 08/19
5,7,9 years old: 2 girls and 1 boy
Newborn Occasional Babysitter
Havelock, NC, 12/18 - 02/19
Newborn boy
Full Time Summer Nanny
Havelock, NC, 06/17 - 08/17
5,6,9,9 years old: 3 girls and 1 boy
Other Experience
Princeton, NJ, 11/16 - 05/17
Summer Program Counselor/ Tutor
Ewing, NJ, 07/15 - 08/15
About me
Hello! My name is Fern. I grew up in Northern, New Jersey. I grew up in the most wonderful single mother household with my three siblings. My siblings are my bestest friends in the world. Family means a lot to me and from a young age I have loved caring for children. I graduated from The College of New Jersey with a Bachelor of Science in Criminology. I am currently a part time graduate student online at Capella University. I am pursuing a Master of Science in Marriage and Family Therapy. Throughout my academic journey I have worked years as a tutor, babysitter, nanny and special needs nanny for a child with autism.
I have child care experience ranging from being a new born baby sitter to being a Nanny for a teenager with special needs. I have also worked with school aged children from 5 years old to 9 years old. I have been a family assistant for high profile families where I take on the complete nanny role. I enjoy doing outdoor activities like supervised trips to the park, pool, beach and bowling alley. I also have experience driving children to after school activities and staying as their chaperone. I speak English, Spanish and I am conversational in American Sign Language. I have also tutored elementary, middle and college level courses with a private company based out of Princeton, New Jersey. I have volunteer experience as a mentor and SAT prep tutor at Trenton High School.
Every family I have worked with tells me I am very kind and super patient. I am easy going, I get along with everyone I work with and I am a good communicator. I am a self starter and motivated employee. Which is easy to do when you love your job! I love children and have hopes of being a career nanny with the right family.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
Special Needs
In 5 years, I hope to be...
working with a family as a career nanny!
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
I love to tutor children, read to them, teach them Spanish/Sign language, make slime and do science experiments.