Cassandra W.
Borough of Manhattan Community College,
Some College
Professional Childcare Experience
Full Time Nanny
New York City, New York, 02/17 - 01/20
1 child , 10 months - 4 years
Part Time Babysitter
New York City, New York, 01/14 - 08/16
1 child , age 1 to 3 years.
Tae Kwon Do Summer Camp Staff
New York City, New York, 11/11 - 09/13
8 kids , ages 7-12
Other Experience
Pilates Instructor
New York City, New yorn, 09/18 - 03/20
Retail Sales Associate
New York City, New york, 10/16 - 08/19
New York City, New York, 02/17 - 08/19
Retail Sales Associate
New York City, New York, 07/16 - 02/17
About me
I grew up in Palm Beach Florida. I was extremely imaginative as a child. Most of the games I played were all made up and created by me! I did ballet when I was 5 for a short period of time. Then I moved to New York when I was 8 years old. I grew to love theatre so I took acting classes starting at age 11 all the way to college. During my time in high school, I took on babysitting because I wanted to fill up my free time. It was the perfect job to go with my outgoing, imaginative personality.
I started babysitting at the age of 15. The first child I cared for was a year old when I started, and I babysat her for about a year and a half. My duties were to change diapers, make lunches and dinners, bathe, play with her toys, play in the backyard and settle her down for bedtime. It was a part time/on call position. I was the full-time nanny for the second family I worked for. Their child was about 10 months when I started. I was there 6 days a week for 8-10 hours. My duties were to walk their dogs, put dishes away, fold laundry, clean messes, make the baby’s meals, playtime, read tons of books, take the baby outside to outdoor activities or events for children. When he was old enough for preschool, I was in charge of taking him to school, staying with him during the program and helping him stay proactive and involved. When he got older, he began a more advanced school where he would be a full time student without the guardian/nanny. I picked him up from school and brought him home to clean up, have a snack and have the rest of the night to play.
“ The way we talk to our children, becomes their inner voice.” -Peggy O’mara. I read this quote a few years ago, and it stuck with me ever since. I had a rough childhood growing up, and I became very observant of myself when I started babysitting. I realized I wanted to be the complete opposite of how I was raised. I want to inspire children. I want to show them that they can be who ever they want to be, and confident in their own skin. To be able to express themselves in every way. I am a very inspiring individual and I’d like nothing more but to share it with the youth.
I have professional child care experience with...
In 5 years, I hope to be...
A musical artist, and certified in multiple categories in Pilates/yoga.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
I love to teach children how to use there imagination with what they have. My favorite activities are building blocks, forts etc. Drawing and painting. Creating rhythm and beats for music , singing and dancing. Taking turns and sharing when playing games. Understanding patience during playtime. Using clay or play-doh to help with the strength in their fingers.