Richie D.
Hofstra University,
BFA in ActingMinor in Musical Theatre, TV/Film
Professional Childcare Experience
Part-Time babysitter
New York, NY, 06/17 - Present
2 boys-19yo w/Cerebal Palsy, 14yo
Part-Time babysitter
Brooklyn, NY, 06/17 - Present
2 boys-4yo (11 months when we met), 7yo
Part-Time Babysitter
Mineola, NY, 10/16 - 06/19
1 girl, 4y/o (when we met, she was under two)
Date-Night babysitter
New York, NY, 10/17 - 06/19
1 boy w/special needs, 10yo
Part-Time babysitter
New York, NY, 06/17 - 05/19
2 boys, 5yo & 11yo
After-School Babysitter
New York, NY, 11/17 - 01/19
1 boy, 1 girl-8yo and 11yo
Other Experience
The Spongebob Musical, 1st Nat'l Tour-Cast
North American Tour, USA, 06/19 - 03/20
Rebel Playhouse-Actor
New York, NY, 06/20 - 06/17
About me
Hey hi hello! My name is Richie and I'm a performer/childcare provider living in Hamilton Heights! I am originally from Long Island, NY and a big family with 3 siblings and tons of tight knit cousins of which I am the eldest. Since graduation, I have acted regionally and in NYC in projects like the 1st National Tour of The Spongebob Musical. I have been a professional childcare provider since 2017.
I have happily worked with kids all my life and have great comfort and ease with all ages. I am the eldest brother and cousin, often serving as a built in babysitter. In NYC, I have cared for 6-month-olds all the way to 19-year-olds with physical disabilities. I also have cared for kids with very serious mental health issues, as well as kids with Autism Spectrum Disorder. One of my regular sitting positions includes a little nugget who was 4 years old now, but 10 months when we met, and his big brother who is 7 years old. My duties included school pickup, park visits, diaper patrol, homework help, bedtime, reading and becoming some sort of giant monster while they pretended to be the Kratt Brothers. Another family of note has a 19-year-old son with Cerebral Palsy and therefore very minimal motor skills who was 16 when we met. I am responsible for school pickup (a nice stroll down UWS in his chair), spoon feeding, changing diapers/clothes, homework, transporting him to and from his chair as he cannot walk, and serving as pal and confidante to his able bodied, 14-year-old brother. This family has taught me a great deal about what it means to be happy.
Although I am an artist/performer, children are the most important piece of my life as an adult in NYC. I have learned more about myself/the world by being involved in these families than anywhere else. Kids are honest, excited, warm, and complicated-the most beautiful things about humans! As a care provider, I strive to treat children with equality and autonomy so I can establish a trusting and open relationship with them. I believe in being more than just the parent's resource, and have great passion and excitement in getting to know the world through the eyes of these kids.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
Special Needs
In 5 years, I hope to be...
A happy & healthy human with the same good friends and lots of love in my life. I would love to be educated and have my masters! And if I had my wish, I would love to be successful in the Broadway/Tv/Film worlds performing in projects that promote diversity and inclusivity for all BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ humans. I hope to be traveling and eating a lot of good food! Iceland or Italy, ideally.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
I love to sing with kids. "You Are My Sunshine" is my mom's staple and offers much freedom to add in the kid's name if we are feeling free before a nap one day! I love fort building, imaginative play, and storytelling. My dad used to tell the classic "Courtneyrella" based loosely on my cousin Courtney. I am 25 and remember that now, which means it had an impact!